Natural Herbal Remedies for Acne and Pimples

Natural Herbal Remedies for Acne and Pimples

Acne and pimples are quite irritating as they get red, painful and leave scars and marks on the face. Teenagers mostly suffer from acne problem though acne can erupt at any age. Acne when not treated on time may result in the permanent scarring of the skin. There are various skin creams to treat acne as they have ingredients which are anti bacterial. But other than the over the counter drugs/medicines, you can also try herbal remedies to cure the acne problem. Home remedies and natural treatment to combat acne and pimples are effective yet have no side effects.

Natural herbal Remedies for Acne and pimple treatment

1. Neem

Neem or Margosa is one of the most effective herbal remedy to treat the acne/ pimples on face. Neem is antibacterial hence it clears the bacterial infection faster. You can either use neem powder or the fresh neem leaves. Take around 10-12 neem leaves and crush them with some rose water or just plain water. Apply this neem paste over the acne and pimples on the face. Leave for 60 minutes then wash off. Try this daily and this will result in clear acne free skin. Other than that you can use a neem based face wash or cleanser.

2. Tea Tree oil

Tea tree oil bears anti bacterial and anti fungal properties hence this oil will give relief in the pimple and acne condition on the face. Tea tree oil face wash also helps a lot. Additionally you may mix some tea tree oil in the bath water if you have body or back acne as well. Take one part of tea tree oil and mix with 2 parts of water.

Natural Herbal Remedies for Acne and Pimples with tea tee oil

For eg: 1 teaspoonful of tea tee oil and 2 teaspoonful of water. Mix them and with the help of a cotton ball. Apply on the acne marks and acne redness on chin, forehead etc. You can leave it overnight and it will prove to be an efficient home remedy to treat acne on the face and body.

3. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel too works effectively in getting a clear acne free skin. Aloe vera gel also improvises the skin condition by soothing the redness on acne and to remove the marks left behind by the acne/pimples. Apply fresh aloe vera gel over the acne at night and was the face in the morning.

See: Ayurvedic face packs for acne cure

4. Mint leaves

natural remedies for acne and pimples at home cure MINT leaves

Mint also works well to treat acne on the face. Mint is a natural herb remedy to cure acne and pimples faster. Just like the neem leaves. Crush the mint leaves and make a paste using some water. Apply and leave for 30 minutes. Wash with water. Try this daily.

See: Glycolic acid peel for acne and pimples

5. Holy basil leaves (Tulsi)

Tulsi or holy Basil is also an effective cure for the natural acne treatment. Apply the crushed leaves on the pimples and wash after 45 minutes. You may also keep this for overnight to treat the acne faster without any side effects.

See: Tulsi face packs for pimples

6. Turmeric

Turmeric is antibiotic and a natural home remedy to treat acne on the face. It kills the acne causing bacteria and soon the pimple vanishes for a clear pimple free skin. Make a paste of turmeric powder with water and apply on the pimples at night wash in the morning. Try this amazing turmeric face pack and get the glow. Fairness as well along with the acne reduction in natural manners.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.