25 New Noah’s Ark Coloring Pages (100% Free To Print)

There are many amazing and captivating Bible stories, but Noah’s Ark has always been a favorite of many.

This incredible story tells us of Noah who sets sail with his family and two of every animal to avoid a prophesised flood.

It’s no wonder why it has captured so many imaginations over the years, and it has been retold in films, books and more.

Now, we have this collection of free Noah’s Ark coloring pages to help you relive this amazing tale! We have a wide selection of pages to color, so let’s set a course for fun.

Learn About This Classic Story With These Noah’s Ark Coloring Pages

1. Noah Sets Sail On The Ark!

Easy noah's ark coloring page


This first easy Noah’s Ark coloring page shows the beginning of this amazing journey! Now you can begin this coloring journey in order to get things started.

On this page, there are giraffes, lions, an elephant and even Noah himself. That gives you a lot of variety to work with!

What do you think, did Noah save only baby animals to make enough space for all the species?

2. Noah Leads The Animals Onto The Ark

Free noah's ark printables


One of the most memorable moments from Noah’s story is when he led animals two by two onto the Ark. This free Noah’s Ark printable shows this moment.

This time, we also have a pair of turtles for a bit of extra cuteness! Don’t be shy about adding some extra details like other animals if you want to personalize it.

3. So Many Animals On The Ark!

Free printable noah's ark coloring pages


It’s safe to say that even though the Ark was massive, it probably got a bit crowded having all of those animals onboard.

This next free printable Noah’s Ark coloring sheet shows this scenario as there is hardly any free space left on the ship.

They all seem to feel okay about it though, as it is still better than being in the flood!

4. Smooth Sailing On The Ark

Noah and the ark coloring page


Even though there would have been some rough sailing on the Ark, I’m sure there were some calm days of sailing as well.

That’s the case on this Noah and the Ark coloring page, as the waters are nice and calm. There are so many animals in this picture!

Can you name them all?

5. Noah And Naamah Check The Horizon

Noah and the flood coloring pages


We have a guest appearance from Noah’s wife Naamah on this next Noah and the flood coloring PDF! There are also loads of animals to admire on this page.

With all of these details, this page could keep you busy for quite some time!

6. Noah Prepares The Ark

Noah building the ark coloring page


Getting the Ark ready was no small feat! This Noah building the Ark coloring page shows him doing the final preparations as the animals start to board the vessel.

The storm clouds are building above, and you could use some dark grey for those clouds.

7. Night Sailing For Noah

Noah coloring page


Sailing at night can be quite an experience, and I’m sure it was quite a lot for Noah and all the animals onboard.

This Noah coloring printable shows that it’s a pleasant evening of sailing, which I’m sure everyone on board appreciated!

8. Noah Prepares To Catch Some Supper

Noah coloring sheet


Having enough food on the Ark was probably a cause for concern, so some improvisation would be needed.

This Noah coloring sheet shows him preparing to catch some fish for dinner.

I think he would need a longer handle on that net, but he’s the expert!

9. A Rainbow Of Hope

Noah rainbow coloring page


The events leading to Noah’s great journey were quite dark and scary, but at the end of it, there was hope.

This Noah rainbow coloring page shows the end of the journey when a new era of hope was ushered in.

If you want to celebrate perhaps the most important person in the Bible who also ushered in an era of hope, you can enjoy these free Jesus coloring printables.

10. The Animals Enjoy Their Freedom!

Noah's ark animals coloring pages


After being cooped up on the Ark for so long, I’m sure the animals were eager to run around once on dry land.

This adorable Noah’s Ark animals coloring page shows that joyful moment as the animals all get to stretch their legs.

11. Wave To Everyone On The Ark!

Noah's ark animals printable


Next up, we have a lovely view of the Ark and all the happy animals onboard.

We also see Noah giving a friendly wave on this Noah’s Ark animals printable, and it sets you up for happy coloring fun!

12. Noah Counts The Animals

 Noah's ark children's coloring pages


When helping all of the animals onto the Ark, it was surely important to keep count as he went along.

This Noah’s Ark children’s coloring page shows him making sure there are two of every animal.

13. Land Ahoy!

Noah's ark coloring page pdf


While sailing the flood, Noah was probably constantly on the lookout for dry land.

Everyone is looking in the same direction on this Noah’s Ark coloring page PDF, and it makes me think that they possibly finally spotted land!

14. Cute Koalas Board The Ark

Noah's ark coloring page printable


Animals from all over the world would have boarded the Ark, including some Australian mammals like koalas.

This Noah’s Ark coloring page printable shows some koalas preparing some snacks before their voyage.

15. Rough Waters For The Ark!

Noah's ark coloring page


Not every day on the Ark would have been smooth sailing. It’s looking a bit treacherous on this Noah’s Ark coloring page!

Luckily we know that this story has a happy ending.

16. Animal Lookouts On The Ark

Noah's ark coloring sheet


On old ships, there would be a lookout that would sit in the crow’s nest looking out for threats or points of interest.

This Noah’s Ark coloring sheet shows a giraffe and a camel acting as lookouts for this vessel.

17. Sailing The Waves On The Ark

Noah's ark pictures to print


There are some big waves on this Noah’s Ark picture to print, but no one on board seems too concerned. Noah knows what he’s doing and all the animals seem to trust him!

18. Front View Of The Ark

Noahs ark coloring page


It’s good to look at things from a different perspective sometimes, and this Noah’s Ark coloring page shows us the famous ship from the front!

How will you color this unusual view of the ship?

19. Ark Cross-Section

Preschool noah's ark coloring page


This cross-section of the Ark gives us a glimpse of what it may have been like inside the Ark.

You could add some additional animals to this preschool Noah’s Ark coloring page!

20. Dolphins Say Hello!

Preschool noah's ark free printables


It would probably be a bit boring sailing for so many days, so the appearance of some friendly dolphins on this preschool

Noah’s Ark free printable would surely be a welcome sight to break the boredom!

21. Animal Extravaganza On The Ark

Printable noah's ark animals


So many animals are starring on this printable Noah’s Ark animals coloring book page. You could also challenge yourself to write their names above their heads!

22. A Beautiful Day For Sailing

Printable noah's ark coloring page


It looks like a lovely day to sail on this next printable Noah’s Ark coloring sheet.

A lovely light blue would be perfect for the sky here.

23. Loading The Animals Two By Two

Simple noah's ark coloring page


This simple Noah’s Ark coloring page gives us another view of Noah loading the animals onto the Ark before the amazing journey.

How will you color this pivotal moment?

24. First Sight Of Land

Sunday school noah ark activity sheets


What an exciting moment it must have been to see the first sight of land!

This next Sunday school Noah’s Ark activity sheet shows the crew of the Ark seeing the first bit of land, inhabited by a single seagull.

25. Easy Noah’s Ark Coloring For Toddlers

Toddler noah's ark coloring page


We’re finishing off with something easy with this final toddler Noah’s Ark coloring page. This would be perfect for young fans of this story to express their creativity!

For some more wholesome fun, we also have this collection of free Bible verse coloring sheets for you to enjoy!

After You Color Your Noah’s Ark Pages

Continue Your Creative Voyage With These Ideas To Try

  • Add more of your favorite animals to the pages.
  • Draw some speech bubbles showing the noises the animals would make.
  • Add some text showing your favorite Bible lines.
  • Print out the pages to share with your Sunday school friends!

Noah’s Ark has to be one of the most incredible tales in the Bible as well as one of the most important.

This collection of free Noah’s Ark coloring pages was created as a celebration of this story.

I hope that you had fun expressing yourself with your favorite colors on these pages!
We would love to see how they turned out, so please share some on our social media pages.


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