How does additional equity financing affect existing shareholders?

Additional equity financing increases the number of outstanding shares for a company. The result can dilute the value of the stock for existing shareholders. Issuing new shares can lead to a stock selloff, particularly if the company is struggling financially. However, there are cases when equity financing can be seen as favorable, such as when…

IRS Publication 908

What is IRS Publication 908 IRS Publication 908 is a document published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that provides information on how federal income tax should be treated in the case of bankruptcy. IRS Publication 908 does not cover bankruptcy laws in detail, and is designed to give basic information. BREAKING DOWN IRS Publication…

Non-Resident Entertainers’ Tax

WHAT IS THE Non-Resident Entertainers’ Tax Non-resident entertainers’ tax is a state tax levied against performers whose legal residence is outside of the state where the performance is given. BREAKING DOWN Non-Resident Entertainers’ Tax Non-resident entertainers’ tax is a type of state tax that requires a certain percentage of any gross earnings from a performance be…

Top 12 songs that have become fashionable again thanks to series, thanks Netflix for the works

1. “Running Up That Hill” de Kate Bush avec Stranger Things You must have heard this song somewhere after the release of Season 4 of Stranger Things in the summer of 2022. It was everywhere (and it was borderline unbearable): on the radio, at the supermarket, in the evening, in the toilets of restaurants… It…