Pros and Cons of Leasing or Buying a Car

Faut-il louer une voiture neuve ou l’acheter ? En règle générale, le choix se résume à des priorités. Pour certains conducteurs, c’est purement une question de dollars et de cents. Quelle est l’option la moins chère, en ce moment ? Pour d’autres, il s’agit des avantages de la propriété. Avant de choisir la route que vous…

Shale Oil Definition

What is shale oil? Shale oil is a type of unconventional oil found in shale formations that must be hydraulically fractured to extract oil. Major uses include fuel oil, marine fuel, and the production of various chemicals. Shale oil can, in fact, refer to two types of oil: crude oil found in shale formations or…

Credit Card Stocks Offer Range-Bound Trading Opportunity

Credit card stocks failed to rise with the rest of the stock market in 2020 as investors feared a sharp decline in consumer spending amid stay-at-home orders and travel restrictions. However, the outlook looks brighter for the group this year, with the ongoing global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and the likelihood of an increase stimulus…

Call Money Definition

What is call money? Call Money, also known as money on call, is a short-term financial loan that is repayable immediately and in full, when the lender requires it. Unlike a term loanwhich has a fixed maturity and payment schedule, overnight money does not have to follow a fixed schedule, nor does the lender have…

State General Reserve Fund (SGRF) Definition

What was the General State Reserve Fund (SGRF)? The term State General Reserve Fund (SGRF) means a sovereign wealth fund (SWF) established by the Sultanate of Oman in 1980. The fund was established to manage Oman’s investments incomewith the aim of ensuring the economic stability and sustainable development of the country, and was administered by…

Chinese Hedge Definition

What is a Chinese hedge? A Chinese hedge is a tactical position that seeks to capitalize on mispriced conversion factors while protecting investors from risk. It is about establishing a short position in a convertible security and a a long position in the convertible’s underlying asset. The trader is likely to profit when the underlying…