Canadian Income Trust Definition

What is a Canadian income trust? A Canadian income trust is a type of investment trust that holds stable, income-producing assets and distributes payments to unitholdersor shareholders, on a periodic basis (monthly or quarterly). Key points to remember A Canadian income trust is an investment fund that holds income-producing assets and periodically distributes payments to unitholders or shareholders. Canadian income …

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Nominal Yield Definition

What is the nominal return? The nominal yield of a bond, represented as a percentage, is calculated by dividing the total interest paid annually by the nominal, or bybond value. Key points to remember The nominal yield of a bond, represented as a percentage, is calculated by dividing the total interest paid annually by the nominal value of the bond. …

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How to Use Yoghurt for Face Skin Whitening and Oily Skin

Yoghurt or curd for skin whitening and oily skin treatments. Everyone wants a flawless and brighter looking skin. But at times due to certain factors, the skin may look dull and lifeless. Not only can that extreme sun exposure also make your skin looks darker than it is. Apart from that, young adults face acne, pimples, marks and spots etc …

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How Much Car Insurance Do You Need?

How much car insurance do you need? The answer depends on a number of factors, including where you live, the value of your car, and other assets you need to protect. Here’s what you need to know. Key points to remember Most states require you to have at least a minimum amount of insurance coverage for injuries or property damage …

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Deceased Alert Definition

What is a death alert? A death alert is a notification that credit card companies, credit rating agencies, and other financial institutions with knowledge of a person’s death. These opinions are crucial in the fight against identity theftas would-be thieves often attempt to obtain new loans using the personal information of deceased persons. Key points to remember: A death alert …

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3 Common Budgeting Challenges to Overcome

Personal debt in the United States is skyrocketing. In the last quarter of 2018, data from the Federal Reserve revealed that collective personal debt exceeded $4 trillion in America for the first time ever, and had reached over $4.5 trillion by June 2022. One of the recommended ways to pay off debt is to make a financial plan and stick …

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Russell Small Cap Completeness Index

What is the Russell Small Cap Completeness Index? The Russell Small Cap Completeness Index is a market capitalization weighted index composed of Russell 3000 stocks that are not included in the Standard & Poor’s 500 index. By constructing it this way, investors have a large basket of small- and mid-cap assets that are uncorrelated to widely held stocks like Apple …

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Lady Macbeth Strategy Definition

What is a Lady Macbeth strategy? A Lady Macbeth strategy is a corporate takeover scheme in which a third party poses as a White knight to gain trust, only to then turn around and join the hostile side in a Hostile takeover offer. Behind the scenes, the hostile bidder and the supposed white knight of the target company will collude …

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Breakage Definition

What is breakage? Breakage is a term used to describe revenue earned by retailers from unused gift cards or other prepaid services that are never claimed. In these cases, the business pockets the money paid for these items, without actually providing the service or item the customer originally paid for. Although almost all of this money is considered profit for …

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