Top 12 of the most overrated series of 2022, we hardly abuse

There are a lot of overrated series in this world and just this year, we were told a whole bunch of so-called “incredible” or “innovative” series and obviously we were disappointed. For the good of this top, all the criticisms that follow will be vehement, hateful, even downright bad faith. Please accept them with all…

Filing Early for Social Security: When It Makes Sense

“It’s better to file for Social Security later rather than earlier,” is common advice spread by financial advisors and laymen alike. After all, if you delay receiving benefits for as long as you can, payments can go up significantly. The advantage of delaying taking benefits will apply (and appeal) to most people. But filing earlier…

Forget Bitcoin: Blockchain is the Future

Cryptocurrencies of all types make use of distributed ledger technology known as blockchain. Blockchains act as decentralized systems for recording and documenting transactions that take place involving a particular digital currency. Put simply, blockchain is a transaction ledger that maintains identical copies across each member computer within a network. The fact that the ledger is…