Celebrity Doppelganger: 16 Celebs You Won’t Believe Look the Same

Have you ever spotted a celebrity you think you know, only to find out they are actually someone else? If you have then this article is for you. There are many celebrity doppelganger duos in Hollywood who are constantly being mixed up by fans. While there are lots of fan celebrity look alikes, we are focusing on famous people who …

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August 2022 movie preview: Bullet Train speeds into theaters

August may be the last month of the summer, but at least the new Brad Pitt film Bullet Train will give audiences one last blockbuster thrill before the fall. The veteran actor has already starred in several action movies including Inglorious Basterds and Mr. and Mrs. Smithso seeing him in a high-octane thrill ride that’s mostly set on a train …

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Your guide to After Like, Ive’s big summer comeback

In the world of K-pop, a comeback is a seriously big deal. Think of it like your favorite sports team’s first game of the season, except it happens several times a year, as it’s when a group releases its latest song. But a comeback is not just about a song, it’s about the entire concept behind it. Fans look forward …

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16 Best Lamborghini Models of All Time

There’s only one way to travel down the road, and that’s in style. Of course, nothing means style more than a Lamborghini. Automobili Lamborghini is one of the world’s most famous top-of-the-line luxury sports cars. It built a reputation for having the most powerful engine and dazzling exterior. More importantly, Lamborghini’s are the fastest cars on the road. Since 1963, …

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The best Marvel shows not on Disney+

The history of Marvel on TV is a lot messier than their work in theaters. Before Marvel TV was integrated into the MCU and landed on Disney+, there was a wide array of other stuff going on that was either loosely or closely connected to the movies that were regularly premiering in theaters. In general, though, TV has only become …

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Her hyper-realistic computer models protect us from asteroids

Sabina Raducan has the kind of job you’d expect the protagonist in a 1990s Michael Bay movie to hold. In The RockNicolas Cage’s Dr. Stanley Goodspeed is an FBI chemical weapons specialist who helps save the day. In ArmageddonBruce Willis’ Harry Stamper is a veteran oil driller who helps save the day. And at the University of Bern, one of …

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How to Create a Link to Jump to a Specific Part of a Page [Quick Tip]

When most people think of hyperlinks, they think of connecting two different web pages — such as a blog and landing page — together. But that’s not all hyperlinks can do, they can link to jump to a specific part of a page as well. So remember that really exhaustive glossary you put together on industry terms your audience should …

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2022 Email Marketing Benchmarks [HubSpot Data]

Email marketing is an important strategy for marketers looking to reach new leads, stay top-of-mind with existing customers, and keep them aware of new products and services — but the practice isn’t always straightforward. Technology and consumers change, and keeping up can be challenging. However, the challenge is worth it.

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