Top 15 best series of 2022, for latecomers

The year 2022 is soon coming to an end and unsurprisingly we begin the list of things to remember about this passably passable year (you read that right). Today we are going to talk about the series that started this year and that absolutely should not be missed (finally if you missed some of them you are not going to …

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Ross Kenyon

Experience Ross has a background in writing, editing, and filmmaking before transitioning into the technology sector. He now primarily focuses on creative communications and bringing difficult subjects down to earth. He has written multiple guides on his methods of studying for fintech/finance industry tests. He lives and works in Seattle, where he is the lead strategist at and one of the …

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Top 14 tricks that take a lot of effort for little fun

Life is cool, especially when you’re doing cool stuff. But what’s less cool is when cool stuff is actually not so cool as the level of cool it should be. Yeah I denounce yeah. Here is the list of things that ask too much for the meager happiness they provide, like writing this top for example, because I know it …

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The Difference Between Emerging And Frontier Markets

Every investor knows the prevailing advice to buy low and sell high. But those who seek substantial returns on their capital may have to wait for months or years to see their money grow exponentially, especially when investing in blue chip stocks such as IBM Corp., Coco-Cola Co., and Microsoft. Therefore, aggressive investors may decide to invest in the stocks …

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The Most Popular Sports Teams Tattoos In The World

Sports are a huge passion for a lot of people. They almost become an integral part of a person’s life. And then you start talking about teams and how they affect some fans, and you could go as far as describing them as almost family members. Ultimately it’s led to a lot of supporters wanting to show how much their …

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Debit Memorandum Definition in Three Scenarios

What Is a Debit Memorandum? A debit memorandum, or “debit memo,” is a document that records and notifies a customer of debit adjustments made to their individual bank account. The adjustments made to the account reduce the funds in the account but are made for specific purposes and used only for adjustments outside of any normal debits. The reasons a …

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Top 12 hits that were meant for other artists

Have you ever refused something, then regretted it very much afterwards? Like… Of refusing to have your dad drop you off in front of the college, then hitting a huge rain on your head on the way? Well, know that this kind of small defeats happen to everyone! Even music stars (yes, yes). There are a bunch of artists who …

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Understanding Weighted Average Life (WAL), How It Works, Example

What Is Weighted Average Life (WAL)? The weighted average life (WAL) is the average length of time that each dollar of unpaid principal on a loan, a mortgageor an amortizing bond remains outstanding. Calculating WAL shows an investor, an analyst, or a portfolio manager how many years it will take to receive roughly half of the amount of the outstanding …

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