How to Create an Editorial Calendar [Examples + Templates]

If you’re anything like me, you’re consistently working out of at least 20 browser tabs, four journals, a yellow legal pad or two, and a myriad of Post-it notes stuck around your computer monitor. To the average overseer, it’s nothing short of chaos. To the blogger, it’s evidence of a (desperate) need for an editorial…

Why Your Brand Needs A Strong Visual Identity [+ 5 Examples to Inspire You]

Take a second to think about one of your favorite brands. A logo, storefront, color, or memorable ad campaign will likely pop into your mind. That’s because a brand’s visual identity is a powerful tool for telling a company’s story, building customer affinity, and increasing revenue.

Revenue Marketing – What It is and Why It Matters

Revenue Marketing: 91% of marketers are confident that their making marketing decisions will positively impact revenue. Are you one of them? As marketers, we’re well-versed in the main goals of internet marketing: to generate leads and new business. Revenue generated from online marketing justifies why we include online channels in our marketing efforts. How then,…