Gold Prices on the Rise as COVID-19 Concerns Grow

The SPDR Gold Shares ETF (GLD) made new highs on Monday before giving up some ground on Tuesday as concerns about the novel coronavirus spread across Europe and the United States. The number of cases in Italy soared past 300 by Tuesday, while the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warned that the virus would likely spread across the United States …

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Macy’s Stock Could Drop Into Single Digits

Macy’s, Inc. (M) stock sold off on Tuesday after a seemingly benign fourth quarter 2019 report, posting earnings per share of $2.12, which beat estimates by $0.14. Revenue fell 1.4% year over year, continuing a contraction that started in the middle of the last decade when e-commerce grabbed huge market share from brick-and-mortar retailers. Comparative store sales dropped less than …

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Lance Cothern

Summary Credit card enthusiast and expert with formal education and work experience in accounting. Holds a Certified Pubic Accountant (CPA) license in Virginia. Has professionally written for several major publications including U.S. News & World Report, Credit Karma, LendingTree and more. Founded Money Manifesto, a personal finance blog, in 2012. Experience Lance spent six years in public and corporate accounting …

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Bank Endorsement Definition

What Is a Bank Endorsement? A bank endorsement is a guarantee by a bank confirming that it will uphold a check or other negotiable instrument, such as a banker’s acceptancefrom one of its customers. This assures any third-party that the bank will back the obligations of the creator of the instrument in the event the creator cannot make payment. Key …

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Definition and Example in Economics

What Is Rational Behavior? Rational behavior refers to a decision-making process that is based on making choices that result in the optimal level of benefit or utility for an individual. The assumption of rational behavior implies that people would rather take actions that benefit them versus actions that are neutral or harm them. Most classical economic theories are based on …

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Top Medical & Healthcare Software Companies

Medical software companies are involved in building and delivering products, systems, services, or solutions within a medical space. These companies solve a myriad of customer needs. Key Takeaways Companies in the medical software space provide a number of solutions for related companies, including networking and record-keeping solutions, as well as software for medical research. Investors looking for exposure to the …

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Traders Are Likely to Buy Tech Stocks on Market Weakness

The heightened volatility in global equities over the past several trading sessions has asset prices in nearly every sector market heading toward long-term support levels. Most active traders have been on the lookout for buying opportunities, and one of the sectors that has been consistently popping up on radars is technology. In the paragraphs below, we’ll take a look at …

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What Is Musharakah? Meaning and How It Works in Finance

What Is Musharakah? Musharakah is a joint enterprise or partnership structure in Islamic finance in which partners share in the profits and losses of an enterprise. Since Islamic law (Sharia) does not permit profiting from interest in lending, musharakah allows for the financier of a project or company to achieve a return in the form of a portion of the …

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Portfolio Income Definition

Portfolio income is money received from investments, dividends, interest, and capital gains. Royalties received from investment property also are considered portfolio income sources. It is one of three main categories of income. The others are active income and passive income. Most portfolio income gets favorable tax treatment. Dividends and capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than earned income. …

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