Becoming an Independent Financial Advisor

Many registered investment advisors (RIA) at one time or another have considered striking out on their own to form an independent financial advisory firm. But those attributes that make one a successful advisor at a larger organization don’t always translate into the skill sets that are needed to run an independent business. Still, with a growing number of mergers and …

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Accredited Financial Counselor: An Introduction

The Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education has created a new professional credential for financial planners. The Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC) provides financial advisors with practical training in all aspects of personal finance. However, this credential is not a clone of other certifications, such as the Certified Financial Planner® or the Chartered Life Underwriter. It does, however, complement the …

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Investment Analyst Career Paths and Qualifications

Investment analysts conduct research, create financial models, and produce analytical reports and recommendations concerning specific types of stocks, bonds, or other investment securities. Investment analysts work for many types of firms in the securities industry, including brokerages, banks, money management firms, hedge funds, and pension funds. Professionals in this field are also known as securities analysts or financial analysts. Investment …

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Investment Banking vs. Wealth Management: What’s the Difference?

Investment Banking vs. Wealth Management: An Overview Wealth management and investment banking are two of the most popular career choices within the financial sector. While there is a significant amount of overlap and interaction between these fields, the two jobs are distinctly different. An investment banker mainly offers financial services and advice to corporate entities, rather than to individuals. Investment …

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Commonly Asked Questions During a Portfolio Management Job Interview

A portfolio manager is a person who is responsible for making investment decisions using money that other investors place under his control. A portfolio manager implements his or her strategy on behalf of investors and manages the day-to-day operations of portfolio trading. If you want to pursue a career as a portfolio manager, there are questions you must prepare for …

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Top 8 completely screwed up boycotts, it was a good attempt

For justified reasons or not, certain events in history have been called for boycott by unhappy people who, once again, for reasons that we can find valid or not. But it sometimes happens that the boycott does not take and that in the end it becomes a bitter failure, which we will try to see together in a few examples …

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NASDAQ Global Select Market Composite Definition

What Is the NASDAQ Global Select Market Composite? The NASDAQ Global Select Market Composite is a market capitalization-weighted index made up of U.S.-based and international stocks that represent the NASDAQ Global Select Market. As of August 2020, the NASDAQ Global Select Market Composite consisted of more than 1,400 stocks that meet Nasdaq’s strict financial and liquidity requirements and corporate governance …

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Top 8 people who do good deeds and who are still a bit stupid

“Too good, too dumb! It’s not me who says it, huh, it’s the adage. And it’s not completely false, you have to admit… Frankly, to choose, if you find a lot of money in the street, you move heaven and earth to find its owner, and stay true to your principles, or you keep the money to treat yourself a …

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Adjusted Funds From Operations (AFFO): Definition and Calculation

What Are Adjusted Funds From Operations—AFFO? Adjusted funds from operations (AFFO) refers to the financial performance measure primarily used in the analysis of real estate investment trusts (REITs). The AFFO of a REIT, though subject to varying methods of computation, is generally equal to the trust’s funds from operations (FFO) with adjustments made for recurring capital expenditures used to maintain …

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