Top 10 proofs that the Filet-O-Fish is the best McDonald’s burger, a treat for the taste buds

So yes, we did a great test to find out who you are based on your McDo menu, but know that if you take a Filet-O-Fish, it’s raining, it’s selling, it’s snowing, you are hungover or on your honeymoon, then you don’t need to take this quiz, because we already know that you are a…

Top 10 of the most messed up career endings, the exit from the stage by breaking the face

Some people get to the top of their game and have literally won it all, until shortly before they retire a scandal breaks out or they simply struggle on the very bottom rung of success before plummeting all the way to the bottom. stairway to success. In the cinema, this process is called the “rise…

Subjective Probability Definition

What Is Subjective Probability? Subjective probability is a type of probability derived from an individual’s personal judgment or own experience about whether a specific outcome is likely to occur. It contains no formal calculations and only reflects the subject’s opinions and past experience. An example of subjective probability is a “gut instinct” when making a…