Bed and Breakfast Deal Definition

What Is a Bed and Breakfast Deal? In investing, a bed and breakfast deal is a practice in the United Kingdom whereby the holder of a security sells it at the end of the day on the last day of the financial year and buys it back the next morning. The purpose of a bed and breakfast deal is for …

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Top 10 reasons to stop worshiping Pixar, it’s not so crazy

You know, I really like Pixar films, a bit like everyone else. But to be completely honest, it’s been a while since they stopped surprising me or making me dream (except with Luca, I admit). So when I hear people raving about the latest movie not phew released (like Red alert, damn it sucks) well I rather want to tell …

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What Are the Biggest Hedge Funds in the World?

Hedge funds are pooled investments that use a variety of strategies in an effort to generate outsized profits for their investors. The hedge fund manager decides what to buy and sell, and there are few restrictions on their choices. Assets held in the fund can include stocks, bonds, derivatives, commodities, and currencies, among other choices. A fund can be long-only …

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Women’s Latest Saree Collection to Slay This Wedding Season

Wedding season is around the corner, and everyone is eyeing the latest wedding saree collection! You must be looking for that exceptional piece to add to your wardrobe. There is something for everyone this season, from the conventional to the bold. Get ready to slay with the latest saree collection this season and add a little extra oomph to your …

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Definition, When It Applies, and Calculation

What Is a Discount Margin—DM? A discount margin (DM) is the average expected return of a floating-rate security (typically a bond) that’s earned in addition to the index underlying, or reference rate of, the security. The size of the discount margin depends on the price of the floating- or variable-rate security. The return of floating-rate securities changes over time, so …

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Top 11 Archaeological Discoveries That Prove Modern Man Is Dumb

A few days ago, Slate posted an article quite fascinating about all the archaeological finds that clearly prove we didn’t invent hot water! As they probably said a few centuries ago: let’s give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar: they are the ones who inspired us with this little top. You will see, it is fascinating to see how …

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Experience Rating (Insurance) Definition

What Is an Experience Rating? An experience rating is the amount of loss that an insured party experiences compared to the amount of loss that similar insured parties have. Experience rating is most commonly associated with workers’ compensation insurance. It is used to calculate the experience modification factor. Key Takeaways Insurance experience ratings are losses an insured party has relative …

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Top 10 Video Game Characters Inspired By Real People

If video games generally create unique and fantastic universes, they also sometimes draw on reality to create scenarios, sets or even characters. Obviously there are several examples of video games that have made motion capture even in the faces of the actors who interpreted the characters and we are not going to talk about it here, but there are also …

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