Wildcat Banking Definition

What Is Wildcat Banking? Wildcat banking refers to the banking industry in parts of the United States from 1837 to 1865, when banks were established in remote and inaccessible locations. During this period, banks were chartered by state law without any federal oversight. Less stringent regulations on the banking industry at the time led to this period, also being referred …

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Top 15 Best Funny Cheddarbacon Illustrations That’s Just Plain Truth

Hi my little Pom’Potes caps, tell me, I was wondering: do you also happen to look in the mirror and wonder if it’s really you who are hiding behind this petrified face? facial expressions that only reflect the emptiness of your soul drowned in the ineptitude of your existence? Well I don’t really have an answer, but I found a …

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Prepaid Cards Processor Definition

What is a Prepaid Cards Processor? A prepaid cards processor is a company that processes transactions for prepaid payment cards. Prepaid card processors are responsible for processing transactions for prepaid credit or debit cardsgift cards, payroll cardsand other payment cards that are considered secured by the front-loading of money. Key Takeaways A prepaid cards processor works with prepaid cards to …

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Top 20 of the best tweets on France-Australia, that’s it

A World Cup debut match is always a bit special, we are tense, the players too and we send a signal to the other teams. The signal sent is that we are in pretty good shape and that Twitter – just before closing if we believe the rumor – too. 1. The whole stadium was very warm, fans on top …

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Transfer Procedures Definition

What Are Transfer Procedures? Transfer procedures are the means by which the ownership of a stock (or other security) moves from one party to another. This process is effected by a transfer agentwho follows a detailed, documented series of steps governed by the securities and exchange commission (SEC) to ensure that a transaction has been completed. Transfer procedures are used …

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Top 10 things we remembered from this France-Australia

We’ve been waiting for this for 4 years (for those who don’t boycott and who rather go to the movies, to the restaurant, or in the cellar covering their ears). The Blues are putting their title on the line in Qatar, starting with a match against Subway-sponsored bad beer drinkers, the Aussies. First we freaked out, then we huffed, then …

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International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) Definition

What is the International Petroleum Exchange (IPE)? The International Petroleum Exchange (IPE), established in 1980, was a London-based exchange for futures and options on several energy-related commodities. It has been a subsidiary of the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) since being purchased in 2001 and is now known as ICE Futures. Key Takeaways International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) was one of the most significant …

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Top 12 theories and hidden details in 1899, a really good series

It’s a bit of the series of the moment that erases all the others and it was rather expected from the creators of Dark. 1899 is a series that does not take you by the hand and distills a lot of mysteries throughout its first season. But we quickly missed a few things, so we’ll give you a little list …

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Brokered Market Definition

What is a Brokered Market? A brokered market involves agents or intermediaries in purchase and sale transactions to facilitate price discovery and transacting the execution. Brokered markets often exist in areas of the economy where there is a certain level of expertise required to complete a transaction. In cases where members of the general public do not possess the necessary …

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