Debt Bomb Definition

What Is a Debt Bomb? A debt bomb is a situation occurring when a major financial institution, such as a multinational bank, defaults on its obligations which, in turn, causes disruption not only in the financial system of the institution’s home country but also in the global financial system as a whole. Key Takeaways A debt bomb is a situation …

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Top 13 of the longest French series, that’s a lot of episodes

Classifying the series is always complicated, we know something about it because we spend our time doing it. We can always talk about the funniest series, the saddest series, or even the best beginnings of series, but that will always remain quite subjective. So today, let’s take a hyper-objective criterion of quite relative interest: the series with the greatest number …

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Trust Indenture Definition

What Is a Trust Indenture? A trust indenture is an agreement in a bond contract made between a bond issuer and a trustee that represents the bondholder’s interests by highlighting the rules and responsibilities that each party must adhere to. It may also indicate where the income stream for the bond is derived from. key takeaways A trust indenture is …

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Unamortized Bond Discount Definition

What Is an Unamortized Bond Discount? An unamortized bond discount is an accounting methodology for certain bonds. The unamortized bond discount is the difference between the par value of a bond—its value at maturity—and the proceeds from the sale of the bond by the issuing company, less the portion that has already been amortized (written off in gradual increments) on …

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Top 8 of the strangest animal behaviors, the zinzins of the species

If we think we know everything about our animal roommates, whom we don’t hesitate to bump into (at your choice) to eat, dress or simply for the love of hunting, it turns out that in the end we don’t always have the answers to each question. We are going to see some examples of strange behaviors observed in some animals …

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Yankee Bond Defined

What Is a Yankee Bond? A Yankee bond is a debt obligation issued by a foreign entity, such as a government or company, which is traded in the United States and denominated in U.S. dollars. key takeaways A Yankee bond is a debt obligation denominated in U.S. dollars that is publicly issued in the U.S. by foreign banks and corporation, …

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Central Registration Depository—CRD Definition

What Is the Central Registration Depository (CRD)? The Central Registration Depository (CRD) is a database maintained by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) since 2007 for all firms and individuals involved in the U.S. securities industry. It is used to store and maintain information on registered securities and broker firms, as well as individuals who dispense investing and financial advice. The …

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