Top 8 LGBTQ+ Icons in Cartoons

Cartoons are magic (well, the majority). When you look at them with children’s eyes, you just see a relatively cute story between several people, often guided by love or something a little silly in this spirit. And then, when you grow up, you realize that some of them even convey rather modern messages of tolerance. Even if for the majority …

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Top Reasons Why M&A Deals Fail

Consider the scenario of buying a used car—you can take a few test drives, carefully examine the exterior and interior, and get the assistance of trained mechanics. Despite all due diligencethe reality of the used car—whether it’s a good buy or a lemon—will be evident only after you purchase it and ride it for some period. M&A deals also follow similar …

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Can I Improve Credit Score With Utility Bill?

Credit scores can be improved in many ways, but paying utility bills on time is usually not enough to make a meaningful difference. While gas, electric, and water are common utility bills that people pay, the information is not reported to the credit agencies and does not appear on an individual’s credit report. On the other hand, loans and credit …

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Top 12 Funniest Subway Employees

Just like the people who work at McDo, those who work at Subway have to deal daily with hordes of reluctant and disrespectful customers who think they are at their daronne. Faced with this kind of individuals, it is better to have a strong mind, and above all a good sense of humor, otherwise depression is guaranteed. Fortunately, the Subway …

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Definition, Causes, Role of George Soros

What Was Black Wednesday? Black Wednesday refers to September 16, 1992, when a collapse in the pound sterling forced Britain to withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). The U.K. was forced out of the ERM because it could not prevent the value of the pound from falling below the lower limit specified by the ERM. The European ERM …

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Subjective Probability Definition

What Is Subjective Probability? Subjective probability is a type of probability derived from an individual’s personal judgment or own experience about whether a specific outcome is likely to occur. It contains no formal calculations and only reflects the subject’s opinions and past experience. An example of subjective probability is a “gut instinct” when making a trade. Key Takeaways Subjective probability …

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Top 12 Takeaways From The Lego Masters Season 3 Finals

1. Let’s go for the first test The semi-final will be played on an aquatic event: the pairs must build a figure that will hold both on and under water. The challenge is high because we will have to reckon with the laws of physics while creating a stylish painting. We are well packed. No fish were harmed during the …

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