Industrial Revenue Bonds—IRBs Definiton

What Are Industrial Revenue Bonds—IRBs? Industrial revenue bonds (IRB) are municipal debt securities issued by a government agency on behalf of a private sector company and intended to build or acquire factories or other heavy equipment and tools. IRBs were formerly called Industrial Development Bonds (IDB). key takeaways Industrial revenue bonds (IRBs) are a type of municipal bond, issued by …

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Top 10 things to know about overpopulation, the more the merrier

ALEEEEEEERTE! we have just crossed the fateful bar of 8 billion humans on earth! PANIC TO BOOOOORD! WE ARE TOO MANY! WE’LL ALL DIEIIIIIIIIIR! OK then one, yes we are all going to die it is an undeniable fact. Two, calm down damn you fuck me the female dog when you’re like that. Eight billion people is a lot, no …

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Definition and How It’s Used

What Is the Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich? The double Irish with a Dutch sandwich is a tax avoidance technique employed by certain large corporations, involving the use of a combination of Irish and Dutch subsidiary companies to shift profits to low or no-tax jurisdictions. The technique has made it possible for certain corporations to reduce their overall corporate …

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Top 8 Biggest Lottery Jackpots Ever Claimed

In life, there are those who forget their key, or forget to turn off the light when leaving their apartment… Well then, there are the others, rarer, who completely forget to go and pocket the millions they have just earned. win at games of chance! Between 2020 and 2022, a total of 220 million euros thus remained in the coffers …

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What Are Real Assets vs. Other Asset Types?

What Is a Real Asset? Real assets are physical assets that have an intrinsic worth due to their substance and properties. Real assets include precious metals, commodities, real estate, land, equipment, and natural resources. They are appropriate for inclusion in most diversified portfolios because of their relatively low correlation with financial assets, such as stocks and bonds. Key Takeaways A …

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How long can accounts receivable be outstanding?

How Long Can Accounts Receivables Remain Outstanding? In an effort to nurture long-term loyalty, companies may offer customers the flexibility of paying for goods or services long after they are purchased and consumed. The sum of money owed is known as accounts receivable. Although payment timetables vary on a case-by-case basis, accounts receivables are typically due in 30, 45, or …

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Top 20 photos of people who have spent their money very badly

We may make tops that explain how to save money, there are still people to do anything with their money. And again, we’re not even talking about buying cigarettes or tap lessons, but about paying for things that are way too expensive compared to what they’re really worth. Here are some examples that are sure to make you grow « …

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Balanced Budget: Pros and Cons

The history of U.S. debt goes back to the American Revolution and almost all of the deficits in the early days were the result of war. The federal government managed to pay off its entire debt back in 1835, which was the first time that the country was ever debt-free. And since then, wars, economic conditions, and stock market crashes …

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