Dirty Float

What Is a Dirty Float? A dirty float is a floating exchange rate where a country’s central bank occasionally intervenes to change the direction or the pace of change of a country’s currency value. In most instances, the central bank in a dirty float system acts as a buffer against an external economic shock before its effects become disruptive to the domestic …

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Top 11 details we forgot in the series pilots, it went quickly

When we watch the pilot of a series, we do not necessarily pay attention to all the details, since we are too busy trying to understand the story and the universe that we are presented with while learning to know the characters. However, it happens that the authors hide things in the very first episodes and we will give you …

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Lender of Last Resort Definition

What Is Lender of Last Resort? A lender of last resort (LoR) is an institution, usually a country’s central bankthat offers loans to banks or other eligible institutions that are experiencing financial difficulty or are considered highly risky or near collapse. In the United States, the Federal Reserve acts as the lender of last resort to institutions that do not …

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What They Are, Why Countries Hold Them

What Are Foreign Exchange Reserves? Foreign exchange reserves are assets held on reserve by a central bank in foreign currencies. These reserves are used to back liabilities and influence monetary policy. It includes any foreign money held by a central bank, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. Key Takeaways Foreign exchange reserves are assets denominated in a foreign currency …

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Top 19 photos that cause a shiver of disgust, brrrrr

Were you having a good time? It’s finish. I decided to kick your morale to zero and the urge to vomit to 8,000 because I’m a little bored at the moment, my friends are away and I’m on a mono-diet so I have to go ‘to keep busy. So, I made a small selection of photos for you that made …

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Semivariance Definition

What Is a Semivariance? Semivariance is a measurement of data that can be used to estimate the potential downside risk of an investment portfolio. Semivariance is calculated by measuring the dispersion of all observations that fall below the mean or target value of a set of data. Semivariance is an average of the squared deviations of values that are less …

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Top 8 Cute Animals That Killed People Horribly

We’ve already told you about the cute animals that were actually big assholes, but in case you didn’t believe us… Did you know that some cute animals have actually killed people? Yes, humans, yes! When you are told to beware of appearances, bug! 1. A dog kills his mistress by biting An absolutely sordid story. Elisa Pilarski was 29 years …

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What Type of Bond Is a Senior Note and How Does It Work?

What Is a Senior Note? A senior note is a type of bond that takes precedence over other debts in the event that the company declares bankruptcy and is forced into liquidation. Because they carry a lower degree of risk, senior notes pay lower rates of interest than junior bonds. Key Takeaways Senior notes are bonds that must be repaid …

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