Consumer Liability Definition

What Is Consumer Liability? Consumer liability places accountability on consumers to prevent negligence in their consumption activities. Policies that determine the level of consumer liability are written into companies’ contracts and are a way of protecting them from any liability as a result of potential consumer negligence. Key Takeaways Consumer liabilities are contractual obligations that…

Top 13 of the most popular sports by country, it’s not just football in life

Do you think football is the most popular sport in every country in the world? You’re not completely wrong, but you’re not completely right either. You will surely be amazed to see that sports which we square the uk turn out to be very popular in other countries. Really it’s crazy. 1. Cricket, the most…

Top 10 summits never reached in the world, those who make their little quiet life

Among the best-preserved places in the world (well, until now, because fat human dummies could quickly ruin everything), there are some really cool virgin mountain peaks. To get straight to the heart of the matter, we are not talking about just any summit: according to the scientific community, a “true independent summit” is a summit…

Key Financial Ratios to Analyze the Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is a large field within the service industry that includes smaller fields such as hotels and lodging, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise lines, and other fields within the tourism industry. With the hospitality industry being a general one, it is extremely important to define a set of financial ratios that can…

Top 8 Artificial Intelligences That Aren’t That Smart

AI is one of the scary technologies that we don’t really want to see dominating the world. We were already not hot after seeing 2001: A Space Odysseybut when you see all the shit that advanced technologies are capable of doing today, well… We’re still not hot! 1. Racist facial recognition software February 2019, Nijeer…