Global Markets Tank Despite Fed Rate Cuts and QE Measures

Global markets plunge despite Fed stimulus plans U.S. markets trip circuit breakers as they fall 7% at open Bank stocks punished as investors worry about liquidity concerns U.S. markets plunged 7% as the market opened Monday, tripping circuit breakers for the third time in a week as concerns around the impact of the coronavirus grow….

Top 18 of the best tweets about the Middle Ages, a historical moment

So yes, life was cooler in the Middle Ages, surely, but at that time, it was still more difficult to make jokes about the Black Death, Pépin le Bref and the Crusades. Whereas today, we can count on history-loving tweeters to tell us about those ancient times, like the fabulous @Jehanlb, good old Sir Le…

How Your Portfolio Will Survive the Pandemic

Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) alleges that well-diversified securities and targeted cash levels will insulate investors during market downturns. Folks stopped talking about MPT after the 2008 crash, but the discussion kicked up again, right on schedule, when financial markets roared back to life at the start of the last decade. In fact, Wall Street did everything…

Top 10 funny tweets about responsibilities, this thing we prefer to flee as soon as possible

Paying the bills, feeding the kids, doing homework, having a fairly stable bank account, no longer answering “in your ass” when people ask you where something is… A lot of responsibilities that we, adults more or less young , face night and day. And as it can be heavy in the long run to always…