Hopes of a V-Shaped Recovery Are Fading

U.S. markets fell into bear territory in just 16 days Recession predictions continue to increase foretelling a long downturn The stock market is likely to bounce back before the economy Yesterday marked the end of the longest-running S&P 500 bull market. We’ve just seen the fastest fall into a bear market for the index in history, according to LPL Research. …

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Top 15 Funniest Airbnb Abuse Tweets

Airbnb has changed. Before, it was revolutionary and much better than hotels (especially for the price). Today, it’s no longer the same delirium: airbnb hosts abuse, the rules are re-leased, the prices are no longer so advantageous, and we say to ourselves that in the end the hotels were not so bad. Look at all these people who complain about …

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Top 10 first appearances of famous French actors, the first steps of stars

It’s always moving to see where your favorite star began his career, a rotten role in a sitcom, two seconds of figuration in a shitty movie, the ass double of another actor in a nude scene… In short, everyone eats their black bread before knowing the glory in the cinema and we invite you to see some unusual examples of …

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The Blackstone Group Could Profit From the Pandemic

The Blackstone Group Inc. (BX) is likely to profit from the coronavirus pandemic in coming years, reopening the 2009 and 2010 playbook when the company stepped in and bought thousands of foreclosed properties. Although it’s still too early to take exposure, the stock is now approaching deep support levels after a 38% one-month decline into this week’s nine-month low, potentially …

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Top 18 hardships you always have with an umbrella

“Umbrella, nm: Portable object consisting of a fabric stretched over a folding frame with a handle, and which serves as a shelter against the rain. » BUT OF COURSE ! Umbrella = object straight from hell, means of torture number one to make anyone lose their calm and remind you that life is more a big tornado of rain in …

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Top 10 things we all have at home, but never buy

A great sage said “it’s better when it’s free”. I don’t know who uttered this mantra (a sacred formula with spiritual power), but I agree 100%. To all of you rather ugly everyday items that we’ve never paid for, know that you make us happy. Very happy. As happy as you are dusty. 1. A broken umbrella The one your …

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10 Investigative Questions to Ask a Home Seller

A home is typically the largest single investment you’ll ever make, and you’ll likely spend a lot of time and energy searching for the perfect place. By the time you’re ready to buyyou’ll already know a lot about the house. However, it’s a good idea to do a little more detective work and get answers to a few investigative questions. …

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Top 20 funniest student answers to exam questions

There are the funny but completely messed up answers like pearls from the baccalaureate, and there are the unexpected and rather clever answers that play a little with the rules. It is this second category that we will discuss here. As this intro is rather short, I take this opportunity to promote my next diabolo show which will take place …

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