The Blackstone Group Could Profit From the Pandemic

The Blackstone Group Inc. (BX) is likely to profit from the coronavirus pandemic in coming years, reopening the 2009 and 2010 playbook when the company stepped in and bought thousands of foreclosed properties. Although it’s still too early to take exposure, the stock is now approaching deep support levels after a 38% one-month decline into this week’s nine-month low, potentially …

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Top 18 hardships you always have with an umbrella

“Umbrella, nm: Portable object consisting of a fabric stretched over a folding frame with a handle, and which serves as a shelter against the rain. » BUT OF COURSE ! Umbrella = object straight from hell, means of torture number one to make anyone lose their calm and remind you that life is more a big tornado of rain in …

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Top 10 things we all have at home, but never buy

A great sage said “it’s better when it’s free”. I don’t know who uttered this mantra (a sacred formula with spiritual power), but I agree 100%. To all of you rather ugly everyday items that we’ve never paid for, know that you make us happy. Very happy. As happy as you are dusty. 1. A broken umbrella The one your …

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10 Investigative Questions to Ask a Home Seller

A home is typically the largest single investment you’ll ever make, and you’ll likely spend a lot of time and energy searching for the perfect place. By the time you’re ready to buyyou’ll already know a lot about the house. However, it’s a good idea to do a little more detective work and get answers to a few investigative questions. …

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Top 20 funniest student answers to exam questions

There are the funny but completely messed up answers like pearls from the baccalaureate, and there are the unexpected and rather clever answers that play a little with the rules. It is this second category that we will discuss here. As this intro is rather short, I take this opportunity to promote my next diabolo show which will take place …

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Silver ETF Definition

What Is a Silver ETF? A silver exchange-traded fund (ETF) invests primarily in hard silver assets, which are held in trust by the fund manager or custodian. Established typically as grantor trusts, silver ETFs allow each share represented by the ETF the specific right to a particular quantity of silver, measured in ounces.​​​ Key Takeaways A silver exchange-traded fund (ETF) invests …

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Top 10 Scariest Clips In Music History, Mini Horror Movies

Some musical artists outdo themselves a little when it comes to putting their songs into images, this has given for example great animation clips or downright interesting short films but today we are going to talk about a very specific example : the most creepy or disturbing music videos in history. We obviously risk forgetting some of them, do not …

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Top 10 things we’re committed to for life, once you’re signed it’s over

Sometimes we agree to things without worrying too much about the fallout, like when we’re asked to help out with a move that “will go fast, don’t worry” when we have to cross twelve countries with a truck puking useless furniture while being chased by the Mexican mafia (that’s specific I know). When you agree to subscribe to certain things …

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