Top 12 Things To Remember From Lego Masters Season 3 Episode 2

1. Chose promise, chose due We told you there would be wind on the program, so here it is. For the first test, the candidates will have to build whatever they want on a suspended cloud, with a mechanical part that will be activated by the wind. Faced with a huge fan, everything will have to work and nothing breaks …

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Top 8 Lies About Death We Believe Because Of Movies

Cinema is the art of lying, they always try to make us believe implausible things on various subjects and we end up taking it for the truth since we don’t know anything about it. Today we decided to talk about a very cheerful subject: death, because the cinema tells a lot of bullshit on this subject and it is time …

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Total Bond Fund Definition

What Is a Total Bond Fund? A total bond fund is a mutual fund or exchange-traded fund that seeks to replicate a broad bond index. A total bond fund owns many securities across a range of maturitiesfrom both public and private sectors. The most common index used as a benchmark is the Barclays Aggregate Bond Index, which captures Treasury bonds, …

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Top 10 Famous People Who Told Big Lies About Their Lives

We often think, wrongly, that celebrities are special beings, whose daily life has nothing to do with ours. This is not totally false (in the sense that we don’t all have a hairdresser, a stylist and a driver available, that we don’t eat in the same restaurants and that we don’t dress in same shops), but that’s not entirely true …

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Top 10 ways to wear your sweater and what it means about you

As we are people who love to judge books by their covers and monks by their clothes, we develop a whole bunch of funny and somewhat true clichés, you see the delirium. As we have already judged your personality according to your type of car, it is now time to move on to something more specific: how do you wear …

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Steve Jobs and the Apple Story

On Aug. 2, 2018, Apple (AAPL) made history by becoming the world’s first publicly traded company to achieve a market capitalization of $1 trillion. On April 30, 2019, Microsoft (MSFT) joined Apple’s exclusive club, also catapulting past the $1 trillion mark. On Jan. 16, 2020, Alphabet (GOOGL) became a $1 trillion company, followed by Amazon (AMZN) on Feb. 4. Key Takeaways …

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Top 20 worst screenshots taken on TikTok, the social network from hell

If you’ve never been on Knock-knock (as 75% of people over 45 say), know that no one will blame you. Yes, you miss funny TikTok comments but you also escape the worst TikTok fads and creepy videos that haunt us for days afterwards. A chance, the twitter account @wildtiktokss collects for us the worst moments of TikTok, because it’s always …

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Top 11 TV Guys Who Are Actually Assholes

We must always “beware of sleeping water” (and not “of sleeping bears”, even if the idea works too). In the series as in life (the real one), the good guys can sometimes be super disappointing. You’re there, you have faith in this person, you’re confident, and suddenly, VLAN. Big movement of egocentric asshole that breaks your little heart into a …

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Sinkable Bond Definition

What Is a Sinkable Bond? A sinkable bond is a type of debt that is backed by a fund set aside by the issuer. The issuer reduces the cost of borrowing over time by buying and retiring a portion of the bonds periodically on the open market, drawing upon the fund to pay for the transactions. The bonds usually have …

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