Strip Definition

What Is a Strip? A strip is a bond coupon that has been removed from the bond so that the two parts can be sold separately, as an interest-paying coupon bond and as a zero-coupon bond. This process is handled by the brokerage or other financial institution that sells the products. A strip is also…

Top 15 signs that this person is a bad person, we can feel it from here

Not easy to realize that the people around us are not the people we thought. Yes, it’s not uncommon for a stylish person to actually be an asshole. To avoid this kind of disappointment that makes you want to never make friends again, here’s a little test to do on those around you to assess…

Top 10 tips for becoming a survivalist, for sucking rocks and eating leaves

Do you know survivalism? This is the principle of preparing as well as possible for an apocalyptic catastrophe and it concerns for the moment a few illuminated rather rare vanguards. However, what if they were ultimately right? Imagine that a real disaster is coming and that the most trained and prepared are the only ones…

Top 20 things you never see in Paris, and no one is surprised

If you’ve ever read “Moscow Mule: 11€” on a sticky plastic card and you’ve already been extorted by a one-eyed pigeon, you probably live in Paris. Everyone knows that Paris is the most beautiful city in France; what am I saying, the most beautiful city in the world and yet, nobody seems really happy to…

Top 20 of the worst things that can happen to you after your death, what to want to stay alive for a long time

Whether or not you believe in life after death, you probably want to leave a good image of yourself the day you cry. You would like everything to go smoothly, for everyone to keep a good memory of your little face and even for us to regret your departure a little (it always pleases the…

5 Deliberate Things to Do to Improve Your Trading

Many traders are simply putting in the hours, thinking that if they spend enough time around the markets, analyzing chartsreading books, and studying courses, their skill level will improve. “Putting in hours” is necessary when you are starting out, as there is a lot to learn. But putting in hours won’t necessarily increase your profit potential….