Top 18 of the best tweets about the Middle Ages, a historical moment

So yes, life was cooler in the Middle Ages, surely, but at that time, it was still more difficult to make jokes about the Black Death, Pépin le Bref and the Crusades. Whereas today, we can count on history-loving tweeters to tell us about those ancient times, like the fabulous @Jehanlb, good old Sir Le Brave. It’s time for the …

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Top 10 people who had only one thing to do and screwed up

It seems that to err is human, that you can’t be perfect all the time and that sometimes you have days that are more complicated than others. CERTAINLY. The thing is, when the mistake is really huge, it can cost someone’s life, OR WORSE… Money (what? The meaning of what? Priorities?? Know pô). A brief overview of the professionals who …

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Sectors That Can Prosper During the Pandemic

World markets have been pummeled overnight, bringing CME index futures to a crashing halt while U.S. equity funds forecast that the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 will open nearly 10% lower on Monday morning. Investors who have been told repeatedly not to panic in a downturn aren’t heeding the advice, which is contributing to margin calls and forced liquidation. Unfortunately, …

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Top 16 best birthday party tweets, and we’re turning the napkins

Whether you like to celebrate the date of your arrival in life or not, you must have already been to a birthday party at least once in your life (yes, remember your great-aunt Lucie’s birthday who forced you to eat cake on his lap when you just wanted to play marbles). What good times. Today, we therefore pay tribute to …

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Top 7 objects that made us laugh this week #42

We hope you’re having a good Sunday, we’re not going too badly, fresh as usual. We did a recap of last week and we can tell you that we found some nuggets that will make you laugh. Not laughing HAHHAHAH but at least a little smile. Even a sigh will be good enough. READERS’ FAVORITE If the 1000 piece puzzles …

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How Your Portfolio Will Survive the Pandemic

Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) alleges that well-diversified securities and targeted cash levels will insulate investors during market downturns. Folks stopped talking about MPT after the 2008 crash, but the discussion kicked up again, right on schedule, when financial markets roared back to life at the start of the last decade. In fact, Wall Street did everything in its power between 2010 …

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Top 8 proofs that we will win the Women’s Euro

The Women’s Euro has just started in England, and we want to believe in our blues, to catch up with the shit that the guys did at Euro 2021. Here are some facts that prove that yes, the French women are going to win, then it’s up to you to trust me and bet on the matches. 1. France are …

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Why Do Companies Buy Back Shares?

A stock buyback occurs when the issuing company pays shareholders the market value per share and re-absorbs that portion of its ownership that was previously distributed among public and private investors. When a company repurchases its shares, it can purchase the stock on the open market or from its shareholders directly. In recent decades, share buybacks have overtaken dividends as a preferred way …

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