How Your Portfolio Will Survive the Pandemic

Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) alleges that well-diversified securities and targeted cash levels will insulate investors during market downturns. Folks stopped talking about MPT after the 2008 crash, but the discussion kicked up again, right on schedule, when financial markets roared back to life at the start of the last decade. In fact, Wall Street did everything in its power between 2010 …

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Top 8 proofs that we will win the Women’s Euro

The Women’s Euro has just started in England, and we want to believe in our blues, to catch up with the shit that the guys did at Euro 2021. Here are some facts that prove that yes, the French women are going to win, then it’s up to you to trust me and bet on the matches. 1. France are …

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Why Do Companies Buy Back Shares?

A stock buyback occurs when the issuing company pays shareholders the market value per share and re-absorbs that portion of its ownership that was previously distributed among public and private investors. When a company repurchases its shares, it can purchase the stock on the open market or from its shareholders directly. In recent decades, share buybacks have overtaken dividends as a preferred way …

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Top 22 funny tweets about family meals, a moment of conviviality

It’s not just the Christmas meal that makes us remember that family reunions are not always a good idea. Sunday meals are also a good reminder that shows us how much there are things we don’t want to talk about as a family at all. Truly not. So if you’re currently stuck between a senile great-uncle and a little cousin …

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Top 13 series that are exactly the same, it’s abused a bit

If you haven’t watched Netflix’s new Love & Gelato movie, don’t, I’ll save you some time: we’re clearly on an Italian remake of the Emily in Paris series with Vespas and three-scoop ice cream . So that made me really want to criticize, but since I had already made films that tell the same thing and we didn’t know it, …

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What Is Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI)? Benefits and Risks

What Is Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI)? Foreign portfolio investment (FPI) consists of securities and other financial assets held by investors in another country. It does not provide the investor with direct ownership of a company’s assets and is relatively liquid depending on the volatility of the market. Along with foreign direct investment (FDI), FPI is one of the common ways …

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Top 18 funny tweets about studying medicine, the worst studies in the world

Hematopoietic stem cells, amblyopia, Guedel cannula… If these terms mean nothing to you, it’s because there is no sign that you are a medical student and that’s good. Because these people are part of a world apart, ruled by different branches of medicine, with their own language and their way of recognizing each other (particularly alcohol consumption). Fortunately, we can …

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