Where Was the Dow Jones When Obama Took Office?

When Barack Obama took Presidential office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) continued its credit crisis slump and fell to 7,949.09, the lowest inaugural performance (as measured by percentage drop) for the Dow since its creation in 1896. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq took similar hits on inauguration day, dropping 5.3% and 5.8%, respectively. Fourth-quarter …

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Top 10 dumbest people of the week, episode 175

Hello Hello ! Welcome to the teubés of the week. Get ready for a good batch of idiots, morons, jerks and other ignoramuses. You have the right to laugh but don’t forget to take a little IQ test to find out if you too deserve to be part of this incredible selection. With that, I leave you, I have to …

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Top 12 memories we all have with our Polly Pocket, the best game of the 90s

The studies are definitive, the children of the 90s are survivors, in particular because most of them escaped death despite swallowing Polly Pocket. This game, which is clearly the best in the world, has almost taken us to the afterlife a lot of times. And yet, what a good time we had with these little figurines the size of overused …

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Salomon Brothers Definition

What Was Salomon Brothers? Salomon Brothers was an American investment bank. It was founded in 1910 and was one of the largest investment banks on Wall Street, providing a range of financial services. It was best-known for its fixed-income trading department. The company went through a series of acquisitions and mergers between 1981 and 1997. It ultimately merged with Citigroup, …

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Top 15 of the best memes on the bank card, here the money

On the 72nd day of Creation, God was tired of finding small coins in the bottom of his pockets, so he said: “Let the bank card be”, and the bank card was. Since then, we all walk around with this little piece of plastic in our wallet. A piece of plastic that gives us both joy and pain, depending on …

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10 things to know about gynecological violence

New coup in the Borne government: after the multiple accusations against Abbad and Darmanin, it is now Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Secretary of State for Development, Francophonie and International Partnerships who is accused of rape. Facts that would have been committed on two women, in the “medical framework”, when the policy was gynecologist. Wednesday, June 22, 2022, the Paris prosecutor’s office confirms …

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Pull-Through Production Definition

What Is Pull-Through Production? Pull-through production is a just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing strategy that sends an item into the production process at the point when a company receives an order for it. Pull-through production utilizes a pull system, a method for controlling the flow of resources through a system. Resources are pulled into the production pipeline only as they are actually needed …

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Top 15 of the most overpriced cocktails, don’t pretend it’s good…

Be careful, this top is not for the weak. Get ready to see your own favorite cocktails get smashed in public. Because yes, it is time to restore some truths. Truths that hurt. Truths that denounce, even. Now is not the time to be touchy, because the world of alcohol will take it for its rank. 1. Le Mojito Why …

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