Top 10 inventions that are not at all in tune with the times

In a world that is burning because of humans who are bad at ecology, cool inventions are those that correspond to values ​​that have become essential. Values ​​such as sustainable and renewable. In short, green stuff that does not lead to overconsumption. In any case, if our objective is to make the species survive and not to smash all the …

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Registrar Definition

What Is a Registrar? A registrar is an institution, often a bank or trust companyresponsible for keeping records of bondholders and shareholders after an issuer offers securities to the public. When an issuer needs to make an interest payment on a bond or a dividend payment to shareholders, the firm refers to the list of registered owners maintained by the …

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Top 10 jobs you can already do in the Metaverse

Hello my little techie torches. So how is your life going in the metaverse for you? ah? Have you ever set foot there? Oh?? You have nothing to square? Ah, you mean you don’t give a fuck other than jerking off in this crappy virtual world? Ah well okay. The words are said. The terms are set. But you won’t …

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What Is an Interest-Rate Derivative? Definition and Examples

What Is an Interest Rate Derivative? An interest rate derivative is a financial instrument with a value that is linked to the movements of an interest rate or rates. These may include futures, options, or swaps contracts. Interest rate derivatives are often used as hedges by institutional investors, banks, companies, and individuals to protect themselves against changes in market interest …

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Top 16 Stuff That Still Doesn’t Exist In 2022, And Honestly It’s Abused

It’s all well and good progress, innovation, technology and all the fuss, but at some point, we should still think about developing the stuff we’ve all been waiting for forever! You are cute with your airbag belts to prevent falls (yes, yes, it exists!), but after a while, we just wait for functional umbrellas and a cure for hangovers. Useful …

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International Banking Facility (IBF)

What Is an International Banking Facility (IBF)? An International Banking Facility allows depository institutions in the U.S. to offer deposit, loan, and other banking services to foreign residents and institutions while being exempted from the Federal Reserve’s reserve requirements as well as some state and local income taxes. Key Takeaways International banking facilities (IBFs) allow depository institutions in the U.S. to offer …

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Top 20 Rare Words Everyone Should Know

Everyone likes to learn new words to look smarter and say contemptuously to their friends “ah but you don’t know that word? Wait, let me explain to you”. As reading the dictionary is not a very fun activity, we have listed the most useful rare words listed by @LesMotsRares on Twitter. It’s still easier than going back to college. 1. …

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