Top 15 signs that this person is a bad person, we can feel it from here

Not easy to realize that the people around us are not the people we thought. Yes, it’s not uncommon for a stylish person to actually be an asshole. To avoid this kind of disappointment that makes you want to never make friends again, here’s a little test to do on those around you to assess their level of toxicity. So, …

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Top 10 tips for becoming a survivalist, for sucking rocks and eating leaves

Do you know survivalism? This is the principle of preparing as well as possible for an apocalyptic catastrophe and it concerns for the moment a few illuminated rather rare vanguards. However, what if they were ultimately right? Imagine that a real disaster is coming and that the most trained and prepared are the only ones to survive? Not to mention …

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How Dumb Money Can Become Smart Money

If your broker decided to give you a grade on your trading tactics, based on whether the trades you were making added any value to your portfoliowhat kind of marks would you receive? It may seem like an outlandish concept, but one online brokerage did just that—and the results are somewhat surprising. The investors who were graded actually adjusted their …

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Top 20 things you never see in Paris, and no one is surprised

If you’ve ever read “Moscow Mule: 11€” on a sticky plastic card and you’ve already been extorted by a one-eyed pigeon, you probably live in Paris. Everyone knows that Paris is the most beautiful city in France; what am I saying, the most beautiful city in the world and yet, nobody seems really happy to live there. We explain why …

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5 Deliberate Things to Do to Improve Your Trading

Many traders are simply putting in the hours, thinking that if they spend enough time around the markets, analyzing chartsreading books, and studying courses, their skill level will improve. “Putting in hours” is necessary when you are starting out, as there is a lot to learn. But putting in hours won’t necessarily increase your profit potential. If you always do the …

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Top 16 things that have been put off the longest

We humans (title of my next book) like to put things off too much for later because we’re lazy. We use a whole bunch of techniques to procrastinate when it’s better to immediately implement the good resolutions and other necessary actions. That’s why we end up with a lot of stuff that we’ve been putting off for far too long. …

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Top 15 Words That Have Completely Changed Meaning Over Time

Between the words that don’t exist, but that we use anyway, those that only saw the light of day in 2021, the rare but stylish words, and now, those that have changed meaning between their birth and today. today: this language is a happy mess. In fact, French is like its population: beautiful and so breakneck at the same time. …

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A Primer On Reserve Currencies

For nearly a century, the United States dollar has served as the world’s premier reserve currencytaking the crown once worn by the pound sterling. The future of the dollar as the most popular reserve currency is less certain. Reserve currencies are foreign currencies held by central banks. When a country acquires reserves, it doesn’t place the currency in general circulation. …

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