Top 10 Medieval Explanations Behind Everyday Things

Today we are being smart to think that we know everything about everything, all because science has evolved and it gives us a lot of knowledge on a plate. In the Middle Ages, it wasn’t the same lemonade: the guys didn’t have good equipment to observe the world and they were steeped in beliefs and superstitions. Suddenly, when it came …

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Top 12 football stars who turned down an offer to Real Madrid

In history, Mbappé is not the only great football star who said “no” to Real. In fact there are even many others, and not the least, who have refused an opportunity at the Casa Blanca. As they say, the doors of Real only open once in a lifetime. Who are these people who dared to say no to the most …

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Qualified Domestic Trust (QDOT)

What Is a Qualified Domestic Trust? A qualified domestic trust (QDOT) is a special kind of trust that allows taxpayers who survive a deceased spouse to take the marital deduction on estate taxes, even if the surviving spouse is not a U.S. citizen. Normally, a U.S. citizen surviving spouse can take the marital deduction, but a non-citizen surviving spouse cannot. QDOTs, like QTIP …

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Top 15 people who do anything for a good Instagram photo

Among the worst influencers on Instagram, there are of course influencers who go overboard for the buzz, but also those who really nimp for a post. And it is true that it is difficult to believe it before having seen it. However, it would be a shame to miss these little nuggets. Ladies and gentlemen, the future of the planet! …

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Top 30+ best car accessories, to enhance your journeys

Long car journeys, especially in the heat of summer, can quickly be boring and cause conflict with other passengers. So apart from changing means of transport or just being patient, there is not much solution. However, we can offer you to mitigate all this with accessories that will enhance your journey between comfort and practicality. They are no longer available, …

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Pros and Cons of a Strong Dollar

Strong Dollar: An Overview A strong U.S. dollar has several advantages and disadvantages. It benefits some but negatively impacts others. The dollar is considered strong when it rises in value against other currencies in the foreign exchange market. A strengthening U.S. dollar means it can buy more of a foreign currency than before. For example, a strong dollar benefits Americans …

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Tesla’s Lack of Disclosure Raises Red Flags

Tesla Inc. (TSLA) stock has plummeted in recent weeks, dropping more than 60% off the all-time high at $969 posted in February. The decline has caught many shareholders off guard because the stock held up well in the weeks following the China outbreak, even though the company had to close the Shanghai gigafactory for nearly two weeks. That venue is …

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