Pros and Cons of a Strong Dollar

Strong Dollar: An Overview A strong U.S. dollar has several advantages and disadvantages. It benefits some but negatively impacts others. The dollar is considered strong when it rises in value against other currencies in the foreign exchange market. A strengthening U.S. dollar means it can buy more of a foreign currency than before. For example, a strong dollar benefits Americans …

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Tesla’s Lack of Disclosure Raises Red Flags

Tesla Inc. (TSLA) stock has plummeted in recent weeks, dropping more than 60% off the all-time high at $969 posted in February. The decline has caught many shareholders off guard because the stock held up well in the weeks following the China outbreak, even though the company had to close the Shanghai gigafactory for nearly two weeks. That venue is …

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Top 10 Celebrities Who Disappeared Overnight

The world of stars is a difficult world, in which you can be loved by everyone one day, then find yourself in the closet without remorse the next. Yeah, I know how to get the mood right in one sentence, yeah. In order to live a little moment of nostalgia all together, while giving back some “views” to these stars …

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ECB Announces €750 billion Stimulus, Declares No Limits on Policy

ECB announces massive stimulus package Purchases to continue till crisis over, issuer limits may be removed Lagarde’s “whatever it takes” moment The European Central Bank (ECB) yesterday launched an €750 billion ($820 billion) emergency private and public bond purchase scheme dubbed Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP). According to the statementit will continue at least until the end of the year and …

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Top 8 heirs who messed up their inheritance

Needless to say, inheritance stories usually go badly, people go to war for money and the more there are, the longer and more painful the war can be, like the 100 year war at the base c was because of an inheritance. In this order of idea, some beneficiaries have really disrespected the memory of the personality whose rights they …

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Top 10 most famous disabled athletes

Every four years there are the Olympic Games, so far I’m not surprising anyone, but a few weeks after this meeting that everyone is waiting for, there is an appointment that everyone doesn’t give a damn about: the Paralympic Games . There have been legends of Paralympic sport, people who sometimes outperformed able-bodied athletes. Too bad the valid ones in …

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