Top 10 actors who killed people, big dramas in the seventh art

Sometimes there are destinies that crumble in a day, even for celebrities. Today we’re going to look at the actors and actresses who killed people, accidentally or intentionally, and whose lives were changed forever. Well, I imagine that’s what happens when you kill someone. You’ve probably noticed, I’m having a lot of trouble with this introduction, I’m going to ask …

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Why You Can’t Influence Gas Prices

Every time gas prices take a jump, we hear many people around us railing at the big oil companies. Rapacious monsters that they are, they’re surely responsible for the high price of gasoline and are raping consumers to reap unfair and excessive profits. Below you’ll see a recent chain email that blames big oil for high gas prices. But if we …

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Top 10 things you only see at Hellfest, the best party in the world

Like every year, the Hellfest tickets are gone in 5 minutes! If you are still wondering the reasons for such a success, I will try to answer you by explaining to you what I saw there during the last edition. And at the end of this top, you will say to yourself “but that looks too fucking good! » . …

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Top 10 most expensive players in history, golden calves

We know that player transfers can cost hundreds of millions of euros and that seems ridiculous to us, but these are the laws of the market, you can’t do anything about it. Here is the list of the most expensive legs in this world, your whole life is not even worth their toe, and that’s how you have to accept …

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The Best Places To Get a Tattoo in Secrecy

In recent years, tattoos have become increasingly popular, with people of all ages and backgrounds adorning their bodies with intricate designs. However, there are still many places where tattoos are seen as taboo, and people may not want to display their ink in public or with their parents. If you want to get a Tattoo without anyone knowing, the first …

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Understanding Market Capitalization Versus Market Value

Market Capitalization vs. Market Value: An Overview In many areas of the financial sector, including economics, accounting, and investing, accurately assessing the value of a company can be of utmost importance. However, numerous ways exist to measure company size and value, and there is often confusion concerning similar-sounding terms. Two such misleading terms are market capitalization and market value. While …

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Top 7 Explanations Behind Our Brain’s Choices

The brain is a totally impressive organ (and not a muscle!). It contains as many neurons as stars in our galaxy (85 to 100 billion), does not feel pain and can process complex information in just a few seconds. So much information completely phew on the brain which shows us, once again, how much this thing is badass. It is …

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Top 15 facts as true as they are disgusting about the human body

There are a lot of phobias around the human body: hematophobia (fear of blood), genophobia (fear of the penis)(yes yes), apopathophobei (fear of poo or pooping) or even bacteriophobia (the fear of bacteria). Well, if you are one of those people, I strongly advise you to stop here. This top is based on the story of organs of all kinds, …

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How To Outperform The Market

All investors must re-evaluate and refine their investing styles and strategies from time to time. As we gain investing experience and knowledge, our view of the market is likely to change and may broaden how we envision our financial goals. Those who want to try to outperform the market—that is, realize returns greater than the market average—might consider an active trading …

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