Top 12 things you think you’re doing well, but actually don’t

Wanting to do well, but messing things up, it happens. More or less often, depending on how clumsy people are, but it happens. Remember when you tried to set Kevin and Leah up in middle school, but it ended up having the opposite effect? Well, that’s the typical example. In everyday life too, you probably make mistakes thinking you are …

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Top 11 mistakes not to make during a heat wave

The summer will be hot… VERY HOT. So hot that we are already thinking about all the possible and unimaginable little tricks to best survive the heat. Stop everything, there are chances that you are seriously misguided! Sorry to tell you, but eating ice cream… That’s a no. 1. Eat ice cream Big blow from the start! Unfortunately and contrary …

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Industries Where Mergers and Acquisitions Are Most Common

What Are the Industries Most Likely to See Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)? Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are most common in the healthcare, technology, financial services, and retail sectors. In health care and technology, many small and medium-sized companies find it challenging to compete in the marketplace with the handful of behemoths that usually control the industry. These firms often find …

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Top 10 TV Show Secrets You Probably Didn’t Know

I know you’re fond of little juicy anecdotes about the world of TV, as evidenced by the monster success of the secrets of the Queens of Shopping, so here’s a new burst of secrets about other shows you’ve all probably watched on least once. Attention, it is possible that the last 3 are big mythos. 1. The Bigdil plateau caught …

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Top 70+ idées cadeaux pour femme de 20 ans

Chaque année vous galérez à trouver une idée cadeau et alors quand c’est une dizaine c’est encore pire ! Il faut mettre le paquet, trouver une idée qui la surprenne et essayer de ne pas vous ruiner. On comprend votre douleur et c’est pour ça qu’on vous a fait une sélection de ce qui se fait de mieux dans tout …

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What Is Deferred Income Tax? Definition, Purpose, and Examples

What Is Deferred Income Tax? A deferred income tax is a liability recorded on a balance sheet resulting from a difference in income recognition between tax laws and the company’s accounting methods. For this reason, the company’s payable income tax may not equate to the total tax expense reported. The total tax expense for a specific fiscal year may be different …

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Top 9 reasons to stop imitating the series, real life is good too

Watching series is often very positive like the square root of 25: it relaxes the brain, it makes the imagination work, it creates impossible love stories with characters and sometimes there are even series that boost product sales. Frankly, if it’s not beautiful. Unfortunately, there are also times when people take what they see on the show a little too …

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Definition, Examples, How To Buy & Sell

What Is a Fractional Share? Less than one full share of equity is called a fractional share. Such shares may be the result of stock splits, dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs), or similar corporate actions. Typically, fractional shares aren’t available from the stock market, and while they have value to investors, they are also difficult to sell. Key Takeaways A fractional share is …

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