Top 20 funniest images created by artificial intelligence Dall.E

Taking pictures and drawing yourself is completely outdated. Why bother when an artificial intelligence can do the job for us? An image generator called GIVE HER makes it possible to create funny images in a few seconds and that was enough to make Internet users hilarious. We share the funniest ones with you because we are nice. The little nuggets …

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The Components of a Financial Account

A country’s financial account is defined as the balance of payments tracking increases and decreases in the international ownership of assets held by individuals, businesses, the government, or central banks. The assets under ownership include securities such as stocks and bonds, commodities such as silver and gold, currencies, and direct investments. Financial accounts comprise the following two chief components: The …

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Top 18 Stuff Only Idiots Say (It’s Proven)

Look carefully around you. According to science (at least I read it on Twitter), one in four people is completely stupid. Can’t you see any? It might be time to worry… Afterwards, you can always prove to yourself that you’re not completely stupid by immediately stopping buying those things that only idiots have, doing those things that only idiots have. …

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How to Determine a Tangible Asset’s Useful Life?

What Is an Asset’s Useful Life? A tangible asset is any asset in physical form. Tangible assets include fixed assets such as machinery, land, and buildings. Tangible assets can also be current assetssuch as inventory. Any tangible asset has a useful life of more than one year. Factors involved in determining the useful life of a tangible asset include the …

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Top 20 signs that you are a stylish person

In life, there are two categories of people: bland people and stylish people. Where do you situate yourself (it’s funny to say “situate you”)? You will find out by reading this top. If you recognize yourself in the lines below, it means that you are a super stylish person. And if so, you can be proud of yourself. If not, …

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Top 10 little habits of Europeans that amaze Americans

We repeat it all the time and we have a good laugh about it: Americans and Europeans are very different people. There are a lot of objects that we use and they don’t, they have traditions that we find really too bizarre and there are also a lot of little typical European habits that surprise them when we don’t even …

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How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Content Distribution

The revolutionary technology blockchain began with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin but has since expanded beyond the worlds of finance and banking. With a slew of new businesses and applications built on the technology, these industries now represent a mass decentralization that will soon impact the whole world. Blockchain helps distribute the cost of running a platform to its various participants, but …

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Top 7 worst urban legends seen on TikTok

In September 2022, NewsGuard publishes investigation on misinformation about Tikotk. The publication begins with a clear and precise warning message, in bold and large print: Beware of the ‘new Google‘: TikTok’s search engine sends toxic misinformation to its young users. According to the results obtained on a sample of searches mainly oriented on important current topics, nearly 20% of the …

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