Top 10 of the most beautiful abandoned casinos in the world

We’ve already told you about the most beautiful abandoned places in France and in the world, but we never really asked ourselves the question of casinos (not supermarkets, gambling halls, huh). Well… Believe me, it’s worth it! There are some crazy abandoned buildings. Very eager to find the courage to go exploring! 1. Penthouse Adriatic Club, en ex-Yougoslavie This casino …

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Definition and Example of How It Works

What Is a Capitalized Lease Method? The capitalized lease method is an accounting approach that posts a company’s lease obligation as an asset on the balance sheet. If the lease agreement meets at least one of the four criteria provided by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the lease is capitalized, which means that the lessee (the company leasing the …

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Top 30+ funny but useful gift ideas, those that won’t end up in the closet

If there’s one thing you’re good at, it’s giving bullshit gifts. You are the pro of silly gifts to delirious your friends. Except that funny gifts that serve no purpose and end up at the bottom of a drawer are clearly a waste. To overcome this major problem, we have unearthed funny AND useful gifts, those that your friends will …

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Matched Book Definition

What Is a Matched Book? A matched book is an approach that banks and other institutions may take to ensure that the maturities of its assets and liabilities are equally distributed. A matched book is also known as “asset/liability management” or “cash matching.” There is a functional benefit to adopting the matched book method; it lets a bank or any …

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Top 10 new innovations at Decathlon

Decathlon is clearly THE store where we should all shop, for birthdays, for Christmas, for all occasions. They spend their time designing new innovations or improving their products for better performance. For example, you can now play E-pong at home with an adapter to rediscover the real sensations of a table tennis racket! If you’re a fan of camping, you …

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Top 10 records that will never be broken, forever in legend

If there’s one super classy thing to do in your life, it’s to beat a record, it’s an incredible feat that unfortunately can quickly be overtaken by someone stronger than yourself. Although there are some records that have yet to be broken, there is no indication that this will not be the case in the future, such as the highest …

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What It Is, What It Shows, Formula To Calculate It

What Is the Treynor Ratio? The Treynor ratio, also known as the reward-to-volatility ratio, is a performance metric for determining how much excess return was generated for each unit of risk taken on by a portfolio. Excess return in this sense refers to the return earned above the return that could have been earned in a risk-free investment. Although there …

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Top 10 Things Young People Find Passive Aggressive

We young people (well, I’m over 30, but I convince myself that I’m still young), we are still big, fragile people. Don’t get upset, let me explain: we find everything hyper passive aggressive. Limit, we have to take it with a grain of salt so little can seem nasty to us. Look, all the things mentioned in this top were …

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