Top 10 records that will never be broken, forever in legend

If there’s one super classy thing to do in your life, it’s to beat a record, it’s an incredible feat that unfortunately can quickly be overtaken by someone stronger than yourself. Although there are some records that have yet to be broken, there is no indication that this will not be the case in the future, such as the highest …

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What It Is, What It Shows, Formula To Calculate It

What Is the Treynor Ratio? The Treynor ratio, also known as the reward-to-volatility ratio, is a performance metric for determining how much excess return was generated for each unit of risk taken on by a portfolio. Excess return in this sense refers to the return earned above the return that could have been earned in a risk-free investment. Although there …

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Top 10 Things Young People Find Passive Aggressive

We young people (well, I’m over 30, but I convince myself that I’m still young), we are still big, fragile people. Don’t get upset, let me explain: we find everything hyper passive aggressive. Limit, we have to take it with a grain of salt so little can seem nasty to us. Look, all the things mentioned in this top were …

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Top 30+ Last Minute Father’s Day Gifts

Personally, I don’t understand this lack of enthusiasm for Father’s Day. Every year, she’s like the second finisher in a triathlon: we’re happy for her but in the end we all don’t care a bit. Well this year we say no! No to second place, no to I don’t care about this precious party and we celebrate your daddy! Good …

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Average Age of Inventory Definition

What Is the Average Age of Inventory? The average age of inventory is the average number of days it takes for a firm to sell off inventory. It is a metric that analysts use to determine the efficiency of sales. The average age of inventory is also referred to as days’ sales in inventory (DSI). Formula and Calculation of Average …

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Top 10 of the funniest illustrations of Fruit gone bad, fruits in salacious mode

Hello my little nut shells, today we take you (by the hand) into the salacious and nevertheless fruity universe of the account” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>fruitgone bath, you will find fruits and vegetables full of perversity because we know less often their dark side. Go do me the pleasure of following this account rapido. 1. The tough pizza jungle – Hey …

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Top 11 things to know about IQ, a thing as much fantasized as criticized

Hello big dorks. No I’m kidding you are probably smarter than me. Yesterday I did an IQ test and I got a negative score, which means that I have the same cognitive abilities as Matthieu Delormeau’s briefs. However, I take this opportunity to talk to you about the intellectual quotient and you risk being surprised to the point of falling …

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How Blockchain Technology is Changing Real Estate

Given blockchain’s disruption of financial services and subsequent widespread application across industries, it’s hard to find a segment that has not been influenced by the technology. Cryptocurrencies have made a strong impact on payments, remittances, and foreign exchange. Initial coin offerings (ICOs) have challenged stock investing, startup loans, and venture capital. Even the food supply chain industry has been upended …

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9 things to know about the murders of Ciudad Juárez women

In just over thirty years the city of Ciudad Juárez has been the morbid scene of countless atrocious and unstoppable feminicides until it has been unofficially called “the city where young women die” or “the world capital of murder”. The local justice of this Mexican city is completely at a standstill when it comes to trying anything to stop the …

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