Factor ETFs Definition

What Are Factor ETFs? Trackers and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that pursue a simple, passive strategy of following a specified market or index have become extremely popular in recent years, as it has become common knowledge that classic stock picking does not always work. A pure tracker that entails “buying a market,” such as the S&P 500 or the FTSE in …

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Top 9 Human Powers That Science Can’t Explain

The rational and unimpressive human almost always manages to find a scientifically correct explanation for a fact that might at first seem supernatural. It breaks the magic (and our childhood dreams) a bit when we are told the tricks of certain magician tricks, but that’s life. We explain a lot of things, but not everything. The proof, scientists have not …

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Top 7 people who didn’t understand the concept (and it’s a shame)

It’s fine to want to surf the trends to restore your image, but when you don’t suck the concept, it’s always better to keep quiet. Afterwards, you do as you feel. If you like to show off and lose all credibility, don’t hesitate to do like all these people. The advantage is that it makes us laugh. Laugh yellow and …

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Reverse Triangular Merger Definition

What Is a Reverse Triangular Merger? A reverse triangular merger is the formation of a new company that occurs when an acquiring company creates a subsidiary, the subsidiary purchases the target company, and the subsidiary is then absorbed by the target company. A reverse triangular merger is more easily accomplished than a direct merger because the subsidiary has only one …

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Top 9 people who didn’t understand that we were making fun of them

Ah the second degree! Not always easy to grasp it as shown by people who don’t understand the jokes (and also some people in comments under our tops, I won’t name names, but be aware that they are displayed roughly above the toilets of Topito). This misunderstanding is all the funnier when some people don’t realize that we’re really paying …

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How Do You Calculate Net Current Assets in Excel?

Net current assets, also known as working capitalis an important financial metric when evaluating a company’s financial health. Net current assets is calculated as current assets minus current liabilities, Net Current Assets The metric allows investors and analysts to see if current assets are greater than current liabilities, which is a positive standing. If current assets are greater, then it …

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Top 8 companies that screwed up very big contracts, hello Microsoft

We can all make mistakes, as long as those mistakes don’t cost billions of dollars and screw people up. But it can happen, it has even happened historically that brands or big companies get screwed over because of a contract, a new product or a failed operation. So we’re going to talk about it today with a few fairly iconic …

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Top 7 objects that made us laugh this week #40

We are now at the 40th week of selecting extraordinary finds from the web. To take your mind off things before the elections (yes, if you ever forgot, you have to go and vote today!) or just to alleviate the Sunday depression which is dangerously approaching, we invite you to scroll in front of our selection of unusual objects from …

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