Why Amazon May Emerge From Coronacrisis More Dominant Than Ever

Amazon to deliver home-testing coronavirus kits Grocery delivery expands as Americans are shut-in AMZN shares are outperforming the S&P500 through downturn As American cities are shut-in amid the coronavirus pandemic, Amazon.com has made its services indispensable across its multiple business channels. Prime shoppers are ordering household essentials, groceries, TV shows and movies and more at rising levels. With over 150 …

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Top 11 series actors from whom the plot was hidden, no spoilers

It happens that the producers of a film or a series decide to keep certain parts of their plot secret in order to avoid spoilers, which they sometimes also do with the actors themselves to keep a form of authenticity. in their reactions and avoid that they swing the end to everyone. We invite you today to see some examples …

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What Is Seigniorage and Does It Cause Inflation? With Example

What Is Seigniorage? Seigniorage is the difference between the face value of money, such as a $10 bill or a quarter coin, and the cost to produce it. In other words, the cost of producing a currency within a given economy or country is lower than the actual exchange value, which generally accrues to governments that mint the money. If …

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Top 12 essential things to know that far too many people ignore

“Something obvious” does not mean “something known to everyone”, otherwise we would not have so many accidental pregnancies or car accident reports because someone did not turn on their indicator . Recently on Reddit users wondered what essential knowledge was that far too many people were unaware of and there were good examples that we invite you to discover right …

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Top 18 everyday objects that are too poorly designed, we hate them

I tell you I can’t take it anymore… I can’t take it anymore that we pay people to design objects and who do their job badly enough so that the objects in the end are useless and we can’t even use them correctly. Join us in hatred and suffering. 1. Umbrellas that pop in two seconds as soon as you …

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Top 5 Telemedicine Companies for 2021

Telemedicine, or telehealth, companies allow people to see doctors and other medical professionals remotely via phone, video call, and computer. With the COVID-19 pandemic driving increased demand for healthcare and promoting a policy of social distancing, telemedicine services are rapidly expanding. When Congress recently passed $8.3 billion in emergency funding to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the provisions loosened …

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Top 25+ original tufted carpets, those to put in your living room

If you don’t know tufting, it’s the trend that’s emerging on the networks right now: basically it’s rugs or pieces of carpet that are created from yarn. We can give them the shape we want and it becomes a nice furry carpet. It’s certainly stylish, but it takes time (and talent) if you want to make it yourself. Or you …

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