Top 9 information to understand the legislative elections

The legislative elections are fast approaching! Even if the French speak little about it, the media do not make a big deal out of it, and we had even forgotten their existence: the legislative elections are decisive for the life of the country! I assure you. As important as the presidential elections! You do not believe me ? Very well. …

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3 Restaurant Stocks That Might Not Survive the Pandemic

Restaurant chains all over the world have closed their doors in recent weeks, serving only drive-through or delivery customers. Unfortunately, the pandemic has also increased fears that restaurant workers or delivery drivers could pass on the virus through food or packaging, even though the CDC says there’s little evidence. Despite this insistence, many folks who have lived on these greasy …

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Top 10 luckiest castaways recovered at sea

In real life, there are volunteer survivalists who play the MacGyver as a warm-up while waiting for the apocalypse, and there are the real castaways who have had to improvise to survive a disaster… often even if it means doing really nothing. whatever! The proof with these 10 survivors thanks to whom we now know that jellyfish, well, it can …

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Top 10 most humiliating little bridges, it hurts the ego

The small bridge is surely the most humiliating technical gesture that exists in football, but it is also one of the most effective. Whether it’s in the 6th grade in the yard with his friends or in a Ligue 1 match, no one, really no one, wants to eat a little bridge, at the risk of being fired. And yet, …

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WWE Stock Fails to Break Out After Analyst Downgrade

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (WWE) shares fell 8% during Wednesday’s session after Chair and CEO Vince McMahon sold shares and Loop Capital downgraded the stock. CEO McMahon disclosed a variable prepaid forward contract covering 3.5 million shares of Class B common stock, which represents about 4.5% of the total outstanding shares and 15% of his holdings. The move is designed …

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Top 10 household appliances on standby that still consume a lot

Household appliances have in common with gym memberships, that they continue to drain our money even when we are not using them! And if the sleep mode is supposed to limit our bills, it is far from canceling it completely… quite the contrary. 1. PC Central Unit + screen + standby device = 23 euros per year for electricity €1.9 …

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Top 10 deadliest tackles in rugby

Rugby “a rogue sport played by gentlemen” as the saying goes. Gentlemen who slap each other on the face to the point of breaking necks. Yeah, maybe we don’t have the same definition of gentlemen, but I’m open to all proposals to reinvent the language. I let you watch the masters at work, attention, sensitive souls, abstain. 1. To start, …

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Indicators for Overbought and Oversold Stocks

Identifying stocks that are overbought or oversold can be an important part of establishing buy and sell points for stocks, exchange-traded funds, options, forex, or commodities. An oversold market is one that has fallen sharply and is expected to bounce higher. On the other hand, an overbought market has risen sharply and is possibly ripe for a decline. Though overbought …

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Top 10 historical queen names to never pass on to your child

One of the benefits of the abolition of the monarchy in France in 1792 was, among other things, to no longer have to pass on a royal first name to its offspring, or even worse, to its offspring, to be fashionable. Because if the majority of the kings of France were named Louis, the Queens often had first names to …

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