Top 10 deadliest tackles in rugby

Rugby “a rogue sport played by gentlemen” as the saying goes. Gentlemen who slap each other on the face to the point of breaking necks. Yeah, maybe we don’t have the same definition of gentlemen, but I’m open to all proposals to reinvent the language. I let you watch the masters at work, attention, sensitive souls, abstain. 1. To start, …

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Indicators for Overbought and Oversold Stocks

Identifying stocks that are overbought or oversold can be an important part of establishing buy and sell points for stocks, exchange-traded funds, options, forex, or commodities. An oversold market is one that has fallen sharply and is expected to bounce higher. On the other hand, an overbought market has risen sharply and is possibly ripe for a decline. Though overbought …

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Top 10 historical queen names to never pass on to your child

One of the benefits of the abolition of the monarchy in France in 1792 was, among other things, to no longer have to pass on a royal first name to its offspring, or even worse, to its offspring, to be fashionable. Because if the majority of the kings of France were named Louis, the Queens often had first names to …

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Which consumer goods do Americans buy the most of?

An American household earning an annual income of $78,635 spent about $20,000 on consumer goods in 2018, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in the most recently available data published on Sept. 10, 2019. In this article, we’ll review what consumer goods are, listing the different types of products and services American consumers spend their money on. Key …

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Top 12 Best Fan Theories About Season 4 Of Stranger Things

We are eagerly awaiting the last two episodes of Stranger Things but since they will not be released until next month, we are content with many fan theories. By searching everywhere on the web and in our overflowing imagination, we found lots of more or less hazy theories about the rest of the series. Watch your eyes, you will hallucinate. …

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Automatic Bill Payment Definition

What Is an Automatic Bill Payment? An automatic bill payment is a money transfer scheduled on a predetermined date to pay a recurring bill. Automatic bill payments are routine payments made from a banking, brokerage, or mutual fund account to vendors. Automatic payments are usually set up with the company receiving the payment, though it’s also possible to schedule automatic …

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Top 10 things to know about Nadal, a rather strong player

Nadal has AGAIN won Roland Garros, it becomes almost boring. Inevitably we are forced to dedicate a top to him as this person impresses us. A flawless run doesn’t happen very often. In short, we present to you Nadal, a guy who plays tennis quite well after all. 1. Out of 18 participations Nadal lost only 3 games at Roland …

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