Top 10 things to know about Nadal, a rather strong player

Nadal has AGAIN won Roland Garros, it becomes almost boring. Inevitably we are forced to dedicate a top to him as this person impresses us. A flawless run doesn’t happen very often. In short, we present to you Nadal, a guy who plays tennis quite well after all. 1. Out of 18 participations Nadal lost only 3 games at Roland …

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Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)

What Is the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)? The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency is an international institution that promotes investment in developing countries by offering political and economic risk insurance. By promoting foreign direct investment into developing countries, the agency aims to support economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve people’s lives. Key Takeaways The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) is an …

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Top 10 Reasons People Think Their Children Have HPI

Barely 2% of the population is HPI. And yet, according to young parents, it seems that 99% of children are HPI. So either there’s a ball in the soup, or there’s a ball in the soup. In one case as in the other, it’s a soup that we no longer want to drink (not convinced by this choice of spun …

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Top 18 Ways to Brush Your Teeth and What They Mean About You

Hi my caps, today we are talking about dental hygiene because we are never safe from stinky breath or cavities or loosening. Brushing your teeth is a gesture that we repeat daily and that says a lot about our personality. Our behaviorists provide you with their most elaborate analysis on this intense subject. 1. Sociopaths who manage to brush their …

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What are the different sources of business risk?

A certain risk level is inherent in running a business, and a company cannot completely eliminate risk. However, a business can control or at least successfully manage risk. In order to do so, management must make decisions and choices regarding acceptable risk levels relative to potential profits. In this context, there are a number of sources of risk for any …

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Top 14 things we all wanted when we were kids, but which are not so crazy

At Topito, our soldier Gagou, loved (even adored) by all, was injured. When we saw him arrive at work on crutches, believe us that our little hearts tightened, not to say… Broken. And that’s when Lise Gillet, source of inspiration and bottomless well of genius idea, exclaimed “Hey hop, great stuff we wanted to be small, but which are actually …

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How Liquid Are Vanguard Mutual Funds?

The Vanguard mutual fund family is one of the largest and most well-recognized fund families in the financial industry. Their funds are considered extremely liquid, as Vanguard manages dozens of funds with varying investment objectives to fit any investor profile ranging from managed funds to index funds that track specific indexes such as the S&P 500. The volume in which …

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Top 10 series characters who have the most mental load

Watching series when we were younger, we did not necessarily realize all the mental load that exhausted mothers, children left to their own devices or friends who are very a lot so nice. There are some who deserve a year of paid vacation, their weight in chocolate and a pat on the shoulder to tell them “everything is going to …

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