Top 15 characters from our childhood who have already done it, we are not fooled

When we come back to certain cartoon characters from our childhood with our adult eyes, certain things jump out at us, things that the Bible and morality condemn. And that is precisely the topic of today’s top: which characters from our childhood have objectively already done it together. If you want to keep an innocent…

Can Casino Stocks Survive the Pandemic?

Casino stocks face a lethal challenge during the coronavirus pandemic, with Las Vegas, MacaoAtlantic City, and other major venues around the world closing down operations. Even the Indian Nations are getting hit hard, offering no alternative to big city or riverboat gambling. The shutdown could signal bankruptcy for major players if it extends beyond early…

Top 10 flirting criteria claimed by famous men, who do they think they are??

Everyone has the right to love whoever they hear. You know the song about “tastes and colors”. As a result, we do not judge who is attracted to whom. On the other hand, what we consider strong are the declarations of certain famous men on what is or is not desirable in a woman, and…