Top 15 best @simoncholland tweets, best dad stories

We love dad jokes but it’s even funnier when it’s young fathers who discover the hassle of life with young children. With the good @simonchollandwe are entitled to very funny tweets on everyday situations that you have necessarily already experienced if you have children. 1. Dads at Easter love to say “From where I am, I see 3 eggs that …

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3 Index Bear Funds Nearing Key Chart Support

Wild price swings in the major market indexes this month caused by uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus outbreak don’t look like they will be abating anytime soon. In the past week alone, the broad-based S&P 500 has rallied 20% from its Monday low. With stocks falling as much as 35% since late February, it’s not surprising to see a short-term oversold …

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Top 20 best memes on Halloween, Saint-Quentin’s Day

It’s good, have you found your disguise for Halloween? Me too: I will be disguised as an overpayment to be reimbursed to CAF. Now that I’ve gotten rid of this rebooked stage, I can give you, as an amuse-bouche, a few memes on the Day of the Dead, which also happens to be Saint-Quentin’s Day. I’m not telling you that …

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What Should Be Included in a Restaurant Business Model?

Starting a new business can be very exciting. The thought of working for yourself and creating something new—not to mention making a lot of money—is a prospect many people toy with but may never actually realize. That’s because it can be a very challenging and daunting task, too. It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to start a …

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Top 20 best salary memes, how much do you earn?

We can’t all end up with a CAC 40 boss’s salary, but we still spend our lives slaving away trying to get a salary that’s not too disgusting every month. And as much to say that it is not easy, since the bosses, they do not necessarily have the same plans as far as we are concerned. Suddenly, it goes …

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Top 10 dumbest news stories, champions of the week #385

Hello to all my little flowers of the golden fields of Champagne-Ardenne, an underrated region dear to my heart. It’s Sunday and whoever you are, wherever you are, if you’ve arrived on this page, then you’re sharing with me a moment out of time: that of the champions of the week, the ultimate compilation of the most stupid miscellaneous facts …

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Procter & Gamble Stock Could Relieve Battered Portfolios

Dow component The Procter & Gamble Company (PG) could offer safe haven against the pandemic storm in coming weeks after holding long-term support at the 200-week exponential moving average (EMA). Vicks, NyQuil, and Charmin sales are far less cyclical than Model 3s, iPhones, and Air Jordans, allowing Procter & Gamble to maintain strong revenues and a forward dividend yield that …

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