Top 13 things to remember from Koh Lanta the cursed totem, episode 15

Hello Totemixes! How do you feel since Nico’s elimination last week? Of course we feel very good. So we’re going to start by thanking the production of Koh-Lanta who gave 50 bonuses to Olga and JC, and now we’re going to look at what’s next. Because this is serious: there are only 6 candidates left, and there are only 5 …

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Average Annual Return (AAR): Definition, Calculation, and Example

What Is the Average Annual Return (AAR)? The average annual return (AAR) is a percentage used when reporting the historical return, such as the three-, five-, and 10-year average returns of a mutual fund. The average annual return is stated net of a fund’s operating expense ratio. Additionally, it does not include sales charges, if applicable, or portfolio transaction brokerage …

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Top 10 of the most stylish concert arrivals, frankly it sends

There are sometimes concerts that go wrong, those that don’t go at all as planned because of the rain, a technical problem or because no one shows up. Fortunately, there is a good dose of memorable concerts where everyone is spellbound from the first notes. Some artists like to make legendary entries and that’s how they’re remembered. 1. Jul arriving …

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Red Clause Letter Of Credit Definition

What Is a Red Clause Letter Of Credit? A red clause letter of credit is a specific type of letter of credit in which a buyer extends an unsecured loan to a seller. Red Clause Letters of Credit permit documentary credit beneficiaries to receive funds for any merchandise outlined in the letter of credit. These letters are commonly used by …

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Top 15 people who store stuff very very well, perfection for the eyes

People super strong in storage are not necessarily those with whom we want to spend our lives. However, they can bring us joy and comfort at times when they perform at their best. 1. A kitchen that is small in size but big in soul 2. An extraordinary musical organization 3. This bookshelf that doesn’t make you want to read …

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Top 15 of the best tweets from @DrakeGatsby, we have fun as we can

Hi little friends, it’s time for the top twittos! Today is the turn of @DrakeGatsby to offer us good slices of laughter and it must be said that his tweets are really funny. If you don’t find it funny, go watch compilations of “Just for Laughs” on Youtube, what else do you want me to tell you… 1. I thought …

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What It Is, What It Tells You, How To Calculate

What Is a Leverage Ratio? A leverage ratio is any one of several financial measurements that look at how much capital comes in the form of debt (loans) or assesses the ability of a company to meet its financial obligations. The leverage ratio category is important because companies rely on a mixture of equity and debt to finance their operations, …

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