Top 11 things you think are dirty when they really aren’t

I don’t know about you, but I find that people have the “Haaaaaan, too disgusting” a little too easy. Because okay, there are things we can debate, things for which we can legitimately ask ourselves “is it dirty or isn’t it dirty? », and then there are things that are objectively cracra. But others are…

Charts Suggest That Utilities Sector Could Trend Higher

The utilities sector is often regarded as one of the most stable in the financial markets due to the high costs of entry and relatively predictable levels of recurring revenue. As more awareness is paid to essential services, the utilities that we rely on each day such as electricity, water, gas, and power definitely fall…

8 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Moon Children

You have probably already heard of the disease called “children of the moon”, but you may not know in detail what characterizes it and that is what we are offering you to discover today. giving you some more specific information about the disorders that accompany this particular syndrome and the nature of it. 1. It’s…

Top 12 things to remember from Koh Lanta the cursed totem, episode 14

Hello Totemixes! Well here we are, still not recovered from last week’s half-episode, and we all know what awaits us today: another half-episode (well yeah, logical.) Let’s hope it’s worth it shot anyway. As a reminder, last Tuesday we lost Fouzi, not phew in a pile of bouboules, and the JC/Olga duo was commissioned by…

International Poverty Line: Definition, Criticism, and Uses

What Is the International Poverty Line? The international poverty line is a monetary threshold under which an individual is considered to be living in poverty. It is calculated by taking the poverty threshold from each country—given the value of the goods needed to sustain one adult—and converting it into dollars. The current international poverty line…