Top 18 reasons to hate tea drinkers, this hateful community

Today, I decided to focus all my energy on a new fight: tea drinkers. Do you know what a mug says in front of a staircase? “I want my tea”. These are the kind of shitty jokes that these henchmen of satan make our lives unbearable. I am announcing here the end of their reign which has lasted only too …

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3 ETFs That Rise as Small Caps Fall

As the large-cap proxy S&P 500 set an all-time high on Feb. 19, its small-cap counterpart – the Russell 2000 – remained 1% below its August 2018 peak. Moreover, throughout the recent pandemic-driven sell-off, small caps have continued to underperform blue chips by as much as 8%. In times of uncertainly, investors tend to shun smaller companies, as they often …

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Top 15 characters from our childhood who have already done it, we are not fooled

When we come back to certain cartoon characters from our childhood with our adult eyes, certain things jump out at us, things that the Bible and morality condemn. And that is precisely the topic of today’s top: which characters from our childhood have objectively already done it together. If you want to keep an innocent appreciation of some of your …

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Top 10 proofs that life is more expensive when you are single

– The price of the rent. – The laziness of banging new dates and having to relearn to a new person why you find it funny to fart in your hand and smell afterwards. However, the (dissolute) life of single people does not only have advantages. Indeed, many studies have proven that they have to go out much more than …

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Can Casino Stocks Survive the Pandemic?

Casino stocks face a lethal challenge during the coronavirus pandemic, with Las Vegas, MacaoAtlantic City, and other major venues around the world closing down operations. Even the Indian Nations are getting hit hard, offering no alternative to big city or riverboat gambling. The shutdown could signal bankruptcy for major players if it extends beyond early May, with lodging, gaming, food, …

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Top 12 worst fads that are coming back (warning, danger)

Yes, we know! “Fashion is an eternal renewal”, BLAH-BLAH-BLAH. I don’t mind that our tastes change over time, that certain things that we thought were cool before end up not appearing so pretty to us. In that sense, it’s ok. But on the other hand, this thing of coming out of the horrors’ dungeon to recast them as a trend, …

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Top 10 ways our brain is manipulated by food

Your life has been a lie since its inception, at least when it comes to truths about food. You probably have your tastes, some foods you don’t like and others you love, some because or thanks to their tastes, others for reasons of flavor, texture, acidity, bitterness and so on. It’s normal. Now if we told you that your brain …

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Global Lockdown Measures See Extensions

Trump admin extends lockdown measures until the end of April U.K. deputy chief medical officer says restrictions could last six months U.S President Donald Trump extended federal coronavirus guidelines, such as social distancing and working from home, until April 30 on Sunday. Trump added that the death rate will peak in two weeks and things will start to return to normal …

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