Amgen Stock Looks to Break Out After Analyst Upgrade

Amgen Inc. (AMGN) shares rose more than 3% during Monday’s session after Raymond James upgraded the stock to Outperform with a $255 price target and amid a wider rally across the stock market. Analyst Dane Leone believes that disruptions for Amgen due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be limited relative to its peers and cited the company’s already conservative guidance …

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Top 15 celebrity tips for finding a first name for your child

Finding the first name of your child is certainly one of the worst stages of a pregnancy. Come on, it has to be pretty, original, there aren’t 3 in its class, it has to have a symbolism, only this, only that. PFIOUUUUU. BORING, IN FACT. Fortunately for us, some stars have found unstoppable techniques for finding cool, original, and hardly …

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Top 20 People Who Have Worse ID Photos Than Yours

You can be a very photogenic person, there will always be one type of photo that you will always look ugly on: passport photos. In addition, it’s bad luck, because these photos, you will stuff them for a good ten years. But that’s how it is, it’s part of the game, and then it makes your friends laugh when you …

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How Japan’s Stewardship Code Works

For many years, institutional investors in Japan have been criticized for being too cozy with corporations. Combined with the webs of cross-share holdings that have tied up large chunks of shares among groups into management-friendly blocks, institutional investors were viewed as having passive policies that lead them to either blindly vote in line with management, or to simply not exercise their votes at all. This …

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Top 10 figures of speech that no one knows

Dear friends of the French language, compatriots of lyricism, lovers of alexandrines. We meet today to address the stormy question of figures of speech but not just any. Not the figures of style that we use every day without knowing it, not the figures of style that you need to know to get your baccalaureate… No. Today we are talking …

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Top 10 differences between justice in France vs in the United States

The United States and France have many things that separate them. The Atlantic, to begin with. But that’s not all ! We’ve already told you about illegal stuff in the USA, but authorized in France (spoiler: weapons aren’t part of the top), and vice versa, or wacky American laws that we don’t have at home. Well imagine that in terms …

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Does the FDIC Cover Business Accounts?

Does the FDIC Cover Business Accounts? The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was created in 1933 as part of the U.S. federal government’s response to the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed. A very important piece of resulting legislation, the Glass-Steagall Act, established the FDIC as one of many comprehensive safeguards against the financial calamities …

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Top 10 worst news of the month, episode 1

At one time, we were optimistic and we shared the good news of the year with you to inject a little joy into the veins of your life. That era is over. Today, everything is going into a spin (not to say “nuts”), and the bad news is piling up. So we’re going to jump into the depression with both …

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Top 10 bands who actually hated each other

Setting up a music group is a great adventure: we get together with friends, we give each other roles, we find a group name, we rehearse, we resume, we compose, we rehearse again and then we play in front of people. The dream, what. And then from time to time, it turns into a nightmare: we take the lead, we …

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