Top 9 dumbest news stories, champions of the week #399

Hi my little buns, how are you? We’re not bad, especially since next week will be the 400th number of champions of the week, and that fills me with joy. Once is not custom, we thank the friend” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>@Well Named for his assiduous research of unusual news items which earned him the Pulitzer Prize (in any case, he …

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Top 8 first sportswear in each discipline

Adidas outfits and Nike sneakers are all well and good, but you can imagine that they didn’t exist a hundred years ago. Originally athletes ran either downright naked, or with clothes that do not seem at all practical today. Outfits to update? You be the judge… 1. Runners in Ancient Greece simply didn’t have clothes. As we know, we owe …

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Charts Suggest Real Estate Sector Could Head Higher

The panic selling across the financial markets in recent weeks has sent the prices of many broad sector-based exchange-traded-funds (ETFs) toward long-term support levels. While the sharp declines in asset prices may make it feel like major long-term trends are in jeopardy, taking a longer-term view provides a perspective that could prevent active traders from selling too early. Real Estate …

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Top 10 dumbest people of the week, episode 171

Hello Hello ! Welcome to the teubés of the week. Get ready for a good batch of idiots, morons, jerks and other ignoramuses. You have the right to laugh but don’t forget to take a little IQ test to find out if you too deserve to be part of this incredible selection. With that, I leave you, I have to …

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Top 13 things to know about the Incas, a friendly civilization

If one day you are asked the question “in your opinion, what is the most famous civilization in Latin America?” don’t hesitate for a second and answer that it’s the Incas, especially if it’s a matter of life or death. I don’t really see how you could be asked such a question in such a situation, but in any case …

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What Is an Interim Statement? Definition, Purpose, Example

What Is an Interim Statement? An interim statement is a financial report covering a period of less than one year. Interim statements are used to convey the performance of a company before the end of normal full-year financial reporting cycles. Unlike annual statements, interim statements do not have to be audited. Interim statements increase communication between companies and the public …

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what you think of the market

Life, from the top side We are everywhere : Hey, we’re also on Tumblr The tumblr on the Top side! The last tip tops We know you still have 5 minutes… The + shared From week On the 7th day, God created the Top From month Our employee of the month Copyright © 2022 Corpito

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Top 15 signs that your colleagues don’t like you, frankly stay at home

Having colleagues is good, but having friendly colleagues is better. However, it is not given to everyone, because on this planet, many of us suffer from the dislike of the people we work with. And I can tell you that at the editorial staff of Topito, hatred is daily, no one can be offended. If you still have doubts about …

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Department Store Stocks May Not Survive the Pandemic

Macy’s, Inc. (M) just announced that the majority of its nationwide work force will be laid off in an effort to survive the pandemic. The company didn’t specify a return-to-work date, advising that health benefits will continue through May. Kohl’s Corporation (KSS) followed with a similar statement. This requires workers at both retailers to seek unemployment benefits. Meanwhile, rival Nordstrom, …

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