Compulsory Insurance Definition

What Is Compulsory Insurance? Compulsory insurance is any type of insurance an individual or business is legally required to buy. Compulsory insurance is mandatory for individuals and businesses that want to engage in certain financially risky activities, such as operating an automobile or operating a business with employees. Compulsory insurance is supposed to protect accident…

Top 16 memories we all have with our college diaries, the good old days

The start of the school year has already passed for some time, and yet, we keep rehashing our memories of SVT classes and rethinking the memories we kept of our Spanish classes. As a result, we saw each other again 10 years (20 years? 30 years? 70 years?) earlier scribbling things in our diary, this…

Top 10 unusual encounters between athletes and politicians, clash of universes

Given the importance that sport has taken in our lives, it is quite normal for politicians to get involved. Between meetings with the players, social dinners or even handshakes, we have already had a lot of awkward moments between sportsmen and politicians, here is a small summary of the last ones that made us smile…

Top 40+ last minute Mother’s Day gifts, for those who skip every year

This year again you can’t escape it, you COMPLETELY forgot to buy a gift for Mother’s Day. And if your mom tells you every year that “it wasn’t worth it”, we don’t advise you to take her sentence literally at the risk of drawing her wrath. “It wasn’t worth it” means “thank you, you better…

Tombstone Definition

What Is a Tombstone? A tombstone is a written advertisement of a public offering placed by investment bankers who are underwriting the issue. It gives basic details about the issue and lists each of the underwriting groups involved in the deal. The tombstone provides investors with some general information and directs the prospective investors to…