Meaning and How They work

What Is a Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR)? A solvency capital requirement (SCR) is the total amount of funds that insurance and reinsurance companies in the European Union (EU) are required to hold. SCR is a formula-based figure calibrated to ensure that all quantifiable risks are considered, including non-life underwriting; life underwriting; health underwriting; and market, credit, operational,…

Top 14 of the worst job offers in history, do not accept this job!

We would all like to have a job that pays well and a nice boss, but the reality is often more unpleasant (not to say completely rotten uc). When looking for a job, we more often come across crappy advertisements than quality job offers. More often on disgusting salaries and absurd demands than on nuggets…

Top 8 famous works misinterpreted (and it’s a bit stupid)

It’s all very well to write stories or essays, but we too often forget that works are confronted with this terrible scourge: interpretation. Between what we want to say, what we think we are saying, what we are really saying, what we believe that people have understood, what people have really understood and what they…